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An incredible boyfriend,great friends,good grades!Couldn't ask for much more!

I may be getting my first kiss someday.Still wondering what that's like...

DIVERGENT BOOK #3 COMES OUT ON OCTOBER 22!*Fangirl* I've waited since APRIL!(Since I finished the second book,der!)I'm so PUMMMMPED!The Amity inside of me is squealing:) Here's what I think I am along the lines of factions...

45% Amity (The side of myself that the world sees is Amity:))

25% Dauntless (The real me is mostly Dauntless.I'd become a total Dauntless for ANYONE that I care about if they needed me.)

20% Abnegation (I believe that I'm selfless..I give a LOT for my friends that they don't know about...)

9% Erudite (I believe that I'm smart.I mean,I'm not two years ahead in school for no reason.I'm just not cruel or cunning like the Erudite are.I detest those who constantly have the attitude of an Erudite.They,for the most part! have big egos and backstab.Not me.)

1% Candor (I'm not exactly honest...I can keep promises, but I have to lie.If people knew why, it wouldn't sound so bad!)

I'm a hipster with this book series.I read it before it was cool.I read it before ANYONE I know did.Therefore,I have bragging rights:)


Just saying:)

I don't get bullied anymore:) I lost the care.Everyone likes me.I have nothing to worry about:) Anyone who doesn't like me is just jelly of my fabulous*Pose* Just kidding!But they're entitled to their own opinion.I just don't have to know or care about it:) That's my opinion:)

Now that I've written a chappy about how good life is,things'll probably get worse:(Hopefully not though.If so,the light will be back.

Catch ya later,duckies:) I have Panic!At the Disco to listen to:)

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