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Big thing for me this year!!!Prom!!!!

I have only ONE guy that I'd like to take...But it won't happen.He's too good.He'll get a better date than me and live happily ever after.

I'm going stag (Spelling)

If I can't go with him,I'll go alone.I don't even care.

Going with him would make that night as close to a Disney story as life could become.It would be the happiest night of my life so far.

But that ship's sailed.It isn't happening.Boo-hoo.

I'll just go alone.No biggie.

I'm used to it =.P

I just wish that it could happen...My friends wouldn't see me Truly upset over a guy EVER AGAIN if he went with me.My life would be COMPLETE.

But nope =.P Princess stories are for books and fairy tales.They NEVER happen in real life.

Catch ya later.

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