How Long?!?

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Two things I can do really really well...Hide things and lie...

Only ONE person knows the most about me...(Lol Akira!!!!!)

One of those things is that I've liked this guy for 4 years...But that's not the secret that she knows....She knows that I have a note..

A note that says how I feel about him and how I would tell him.It was intended to be given to him two years ago..Guess what?I chickened out.

That note says my feelings deeper than EVEN AKIRA knows them!! (Dun fun DUUUUUNNNNN)

I keep this note hidden so well that literally no one could find it!But if it was ever to be found...I would be RUINED!

This note holds some serious stuff..If I lost it,I would DIE!(Aaand that's why I'm always scared when people are in my room...)

Why am I posting this in a chappy?Because I need it off of my chest!(Or it could be part of my big manipulation scheme for this year....)

At the time,writing that note made me feel better...But now,I can't get rid of it...

I feel bad doing so...

Almost like I'll actually let him read it..But no.He won't.

It may be okay to be shy and not talk to someone but like them for that long in movies,but it's weird in real life.

He'd probably hate a weird geek like me for even feeling that way..He's FAR out of my league!(And yes,Akira...I know there isn't a 'league'...You can't blame me for feeling that way though!)

I just needed to rant that one out...I sometimes wonder what would happen if he DID find out though....

Would he hate me or not mind?Those are the only possibilities...Nothing good would happen.

Life isn't a love story..I don't live in the Notebook....I live in some kind of show like Malcolm in the Middle...I'm Reese....Yes.It's THAT hopeless...

But anywho...I'm more focused on my grades and future fame than that stuff...(At least,I tell myself that...)

I'll be off getting ready to be scolded by Akira now...

Catch ya later!

The Rant Book of a Teenage Drama QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora