My Moronic Peers -_-

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Literally ALL of my friends in my class are trying to start drama right now but ONE!


I'm doing my best to shut everyone else out.

So far this has been the best year of school for me.A bunch of idiots aren't going to end the good streak for me now!

I often ask myself why people start this crap with me...

The Gryffindor side of me just says they're all just jealous.

The shy side of me says they all hate me because of who I am to them...

The angry side of me wants to cuss them all out and be done with them forever.

And then there's what I've been doing all along...Forgiving and forgetting...But it isn't helping.This is the fourth year I've tried to do that.Obviously,it's a bad idea.

Something needs to change...

I'm just thinking of dropping these people permanently and moving on.

That would solve a lot.

Not only would my already growing confidence and self esteem grow even faster but the chances of my depression coming back again will get lower.

It's a win both ways!

But I don't want to lose friends...That's the opposite of who I am...

I live to make others happy...Most say I do that well.

That's what makes me happy...Seeing others smile and enjoy is what I live for.

I couldn't lose smiles like that....

I'll just wait it out...If it gets worse,I'll let instinct kick in...

It did once before..I scared people.I cried for DAYS...But I don't like to speak of that....

Catch ya later.

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