New Boy...

168 4 1

CHAPPY 40!!!!*Celebration dance*


This chappy is special.Not really..Just me ranting again ;)



After being cursed for 4 years now with having crazy feelings for one boy,I realized something...I pretty much only need ONE thing in a guy that I wasn't looking for before...Niceness.

Over the summer, half a dozen guys asked for inappropriate actions and pictures to be done and sent by me...As soon as I was asked,I dropped the guys like a bad habit.

Recently,I heard of a Freshman who everyone was calling a dork who was sweet and funny and kind etc.

Those are the things I want...

So I started liking him (Only a little)

Before the week was over,ALL of my freshmen friends disproved of my little crush.They all said I could do better.One of them took it too far and told him how I felt.

I was so upset that one of them did that to me..I trusted them all.Now,I can't go around him without being awkward.He's awkward too.He stares at me a lot now.He also spends more time with his friends who have lockers around me.


But it's kind of nice.I feel like I have a chance to like a guy who WWON'T treat me like crap.

The thought's amazing.

At least my Junior friends don't get mad at me for this.That's nice :]

But anyways...I feel better after ranting.I always do

Catch ya later!

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