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I hate people who are nosey.Omg I just want to look them in the eyes and say,"Stay the frik out of my business,PUH-LEASE!"

I'd rather have a good life than have someone with their nose up my butt wanting to constantly know what's up in my life.

Don't they have their own?Apparently not!

It's like,I find something I like and they HAVE to get into it.UUUGHH

Sometimes,I even pick things they hate and they STILL get into it.

Honestly,I don't find myself interesting enough to do that..How could anyone else?????

(Where's Mark from the first chapter with that spork when I need him?!)

Gosh,the person I am thinking of fits into chapters two and four as well....Obviously,I need to Ditch this lame-o!

But I can't because I'm stupid sometimes


Short rant...0.o

Until next time,Sweeties..Catch ya later!!

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