Incoming Chapters And Other Info

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Wow, alrighty then. Nearly 50 people reading just the prologue...


Anyway! Hello people of Wattpad, welcome to my 4th book, if I counted right...

Anyway to sum this up for you guys, I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands over Thanksgiving break, since I'm getting my tonsils taken out. I'm wondering if you guys want me to start posting the chapters I have done, or if you wanted me to finish up the book and then post it.

Honestly, I'd much prefer to wait until I'm done and then comment along with you guys, since this way I know that I'll finish it and not give you guys false promises. Yet, I like the idea of having you guys tell me things that I could do better in the book.

So, comment yelling me which way this book will take! Sorry again for the wait guys, I hit writers block again, but I have finished editing the first half of the book!

Don't forget to comment,
And follow!
Smashleymer out! <3

The Crafting DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora