Chapter 12

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Enjoy another late chapter from yours truly 😅

Red's POV

I walked down the long staircase. The doctor better be down here, because it's a long walk back. I punch in the code and open the door. Ross was in the corner working on something.

I walked up to him."So your 100% sure this will work?"

He turned to look at me. "You never know what will happen in science."

I scowled, "I need to know before you do the surgery."

He finally looked up words, "Ok, it will work! But you still have my end of the bargain right?"

Nodding, I assure him, "If your part works my part will work fine. Just tell me what your going to do exactly."

He nodded. "First I will open her head. Then I will take the chip and place and attach it in the main body of her brain. All I need to do then is close her head and it will be set. You just need to, after she wakes up, tell her a command and if she does not follow it push the button."

I smirked, "Your side of the deal will be complete once she's functioning properly."


Man it's been a while since I've used one of these...

I pick up the sniper rifle and look down the sights.

Wait, this is the one Nick and Ghetto gave me, isn't it?

I wonder how they're doing...
Man it's been a while since we split up...

I hope they're alright...

I mean they were doing really well last I saw them but with the apocalypse and all...

"Hey Jess! You coming?"

Oh shoot, "Yeah be out in a sec!" How long did I zone out for?

I picked up Nick's sniper and the rest of my supplies and met the boys outside.

"Sorry about that guys, got lost in thought."

One of my friends turns to face me, whilst he adjusts his sunglasses, "What about?"

"Oh, I just saw the sniper that Nick and them gave me. I guess I'm just worried about them, ya know?"

"Make perfects sense to mes Jess. It like when I lost goat and I worrieds about him," my 'dinosaur' looking friend states as he puts another round into zombies around our temporary base.

"Yeah, I wonder if we'll ever meet up again..."

Sunglasses smiles at that, "You know what, we will. Especially if these guys are as awesome as you two say they are, we're bound to run into them again."

I smile, "Thanks Sky, I needed that. Now where is this town that you speak of Barney?"

After our conversation about our destination, we were off to Heyworth, the safe haven. Which, is not too far from our current temporary base, shouldn't be too long now before we arrive.

Ashley's POV

God I hate Red...
I despise him.
He can go burn in hell...

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