Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV

Well... I was planning my own little escape plan so I could go after my sister, when my door suddenly opens. Slamming shut behind my visitor.

Jesus Christ! Who just... Wait, Shark? "Shark what the hell just happened?"

"Abby made a break for it, and the guys are running to meet up with her before Red gets her..."

God she's insane, "Why couldn't I go with them!?"

"Because Nick wanted me to stay here with you."

He's stalling, "Shark. Why are you supposed to stay here when you and I could both be helping save my sister!"

"Becau-" "No Shark. Just tell me the real reason. I know you're avoiding the subject."

"He wants you, Ashley... Red is after you..."

"What... Why?" Why me?

"To be honest... I have no idea... But we aren't going to let him get you, alright?"

This is insane, "Alright." What the hell is going on...

"They had me stay here so nothing can happen to you while they get your sister, so I need you to go to the corner as far away from the door as possible, and I'll be right in front of you."

As weird as that sounds I guess that makes sense, "Sounds like a good plan, need help barricading the door?"

"Actually, yes, but don't hurt yourself."

Oh boy, "Sure thing buddy."

You know, this might not be that bad...

Nick's POV

We are almost to the docks now and we can hear shots down the road, and the ricochets off the buildings around us.

We finally reach the docks and decide to have AK get to higher ground a couple feet from us, on top of a pyramid of crates laying down, while we are in the buildings next to him watching out the windows.

Sure enough we finally see someone running down the side of the street, as they get closer it surprises us that it's not Abby, but Red him self... What?

Ak yells out as we book it back outside loading our guns, "Stop right there Red! Otherwise you get a bullet thru your skull!"

He freezes, "Alright boys you got me! Come on out and show yourself and your little new found friend!"

We finally got to the door and raised our guns as well as we started to walk out and spread out a little so we each have a different angle on him.

I yell to respond, "Shut it Red! We don't need to listen to your smooth talking anymore alright! What did you do with her!"

"Do with who? The little one? Oh who was it? Abby?"

"Yes! Where is she?"

"I hate to burst your bubble but I don't have her. So why don't you just point your guns away from my head and we can try to find this missing child."

All of a sudden a shot rang out and Red dropped to the ground, what the hell? Who shot him? Must've been one of the guys, oh well he deserved it...

Red somehow laughed as he laid on the ground holding his leg and said, "Alright who was the funny guy who shot me? Come on, man up you coward!"

Really? Ok no, he needs to be quiet, "Says the one who kidnaps kids just for the hell of torturing them."  I motioned to the guys to advance with me, they nodded and we walked up to him with our sights on him. When we got close to him he stood and favored his leg, and put his hands in the air. When AK went to handcuff him tho, he pulled the craziest shit I've ever seen...

He somehow got around AK's hands as they went for his and got him in a headlock in front of him, with his pistol in hand. Shit.

He chuckles to himself as we hesitate to advance on him. "Well isn't this familiar..."

"Just let him go Red, there's no winning on your end here..."

"Well if I do recall-" a second shot rang out. Red cusses, loosening his grip on AK allowing him to kick Red and escape him and get a good distance away, letting Red fall to the ground.

Who the hell is shooting? Now I know that it's not us...

I turn around looking at the buildings, "Who's there!"

I look at Red again and it's his other leg... Wait a second... why are only his legs shot? Wait, no it couldn't be, "Abby!? Is that you?"

Red's head shoots up at her name and looks around, "How the hell did that bitch get a gun...gahh..." Can you just die already...

Across the street we hear a door swing open, and sure enough there's Abby leaning against the doorway, small rifle in hand. "Ghetto go and help her, AK and I've got this piece of shit."

Ashley's POV

We've been barricaded in here for quite a while now, with no sign of the guys yet. We had just finished our attempts to learn about each other more, when we heard someone get on the ship.

"Ashley, stay quiet, let the guys let us know that it's them..." Shark whispered and directed me behind him. I put Abby's silenced pistol in my pistol sling on my belt and covered it with my shirt. You know, always plan ahead...

Abby's POV

Yes! Right in the side of the calf! I couldn't hit the hip last time, so the lower thigh will have to do. AK had taken advantage of this and pushed Red to the ground. I slowly left my perch in the barricaded windows and slowly made my way to the door grabbing some paper on the way out. I could hear the guys yelling again, trying to figure out who shot at them. Come on guys, don't you know what 2+2 is?

Ghetto's POV

Suddenly the antique shop door swung open and a proud Abby stood in the door way. She had a sniper rifle in one hand and a paper in the other. She ignored my outstretched hand and slowly walked up to Red. He looked up at her and she put the paper right in his face. I read the paper to myself, and couldn't help but chuckle:

"Paybacks a Bitch, Isn't it Red?"

Abby's POV

I walked up to Red and showed my message to him. His face went from annoyance to anger. He burst, "That's it! I'm done with you pesky little girl!" Next thing I heard was a gunshot. The last thing I saw was white.

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