Chapter 21

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Yeah, I've got no excuse anymore. Cuz that's all it is.
An excuse.

So anyway, while I've been trying to write out this chapter, you guys helped it reach 1.8K views and over a hundred votes!

Thank you for sticking with me, even though I have no idea why...

Sorry it's a bit short, didn't know how to end it...


Ashley's POV

Red's chuckle sends shivers down my spine and I began shaking uncontrollably, "N-no p-please."

Red chuckled darkly, "Oh Ashley, have you forgotten about all of your fuck ups? Here, let me help you remember."

Releasing my chin, Red walks over near the door where I see his 'bag of fun', as he calls it. In other words, my personal hell.

He's brought that bag during every session that he had with me that went... Downhill.

I hear the person behind me try to struggle out of whatever binds he's in, when Red starts to dig through the bag.

Red stops digging through his bag and comes up with his favorite dagger, which was still tainted in dry blood from the last time he used it on me.

A chill ran down my spine and my hairs stood up on my arms and legs. I wriggled my wrists around in a horrible attempt to free myself, but only caused the ropes to dig into them more.

He looked up from the dagger he had been observing and held it so the blade now faced me. He smirked as I stopped struggling and looked at him. Then he shifted the knife in his hand again and began walking towards me slowly.

The muffled yelling behind me gets louder and more frequent as time slows, almost freezing, as my eyes meet Red's.

"Ya know, Ashley... This was never part of my plan and I don't usually like to play with my food... But damn is this fun!" He lets out a chuckle as he is now right next to me, "Let's begin, shall we?"

Grabbing the top of my right arm I flinch away as I feel the cold metal on my bicep.

Red chuckles and whispers, "You're a failure," as he digs the knife into my arm. Gasping in pain, I try not to scream as my arm is on fire.

"You're a fuck up," he continues as he takes out the knife and stabs it right back into my arm. The tears have started, but I refuse to scream. With the fire in my arm increasing as I can feel its aftermath drip down my arm.

Red's chuckle fills my ears as I'm trying to block everything out. "Trying to be strong toady, aren't we? No matter, you always lose Sweetheart. Might as well give up now, cause this is just the beginning."

Chuckling again, he takes out the knife and puts it under my chin, lifting it so I have to look into his eyes. As I look him in the eye, he says, "Look at you, can't even protect yourself, can you? Pathetic." Driving the knife into my arm again.

I can't take this...

I open my mouth to say something, I shut it again so I don't scream and let out a groan. After attempting to compose myself. I try again, "Red, s-stop. P-please..."

His smirk returns as his eyes shine in enjoyment, "Now sweetheart... What's the fun in that? Are you afraid of what else I'll remind you of?"

He drops his voice and continues, "Like failing your new group," driving the blade into my arm. A scream passes my lips and I immediately regret it as he smiles and slices my arm again.

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