Chapter 11

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Sorry about the late post! But my teachers decided to give me a bunch of shit on the first week of second semester. Like da fuq do you want from me?

Anyways, here's the chapter!

Nick's POV

After waiting for a couple minutes, to make sure that all of Red's men had left. We slowly and cautiously, made our way back onto the boat. Once in the command center I called a meeting.

"Guys, this is bad... We need to save the girls. Red has gone way to far this time..."

Ghetto snorts,"Yeah, like we can kill that immortal son of a bitch..."

"I never said that was the purpose, but we would just need to get in and get out. If all goes well, MAYBE we can finally kill the son of a bitch, so he can't do this ever again."

"And you think this will work?"

I laugh, "I have no idea, but I have a feeling that you guys have grown a liking to them as much as I have. A lot like when we met Jess. That along with the fact that we don't even want to think about them being hurt for Red's sick plan of making them work for him... Or just for his own sick entertainment..." Sharks head dropped after I said that.

This time AK jumps in, "What's this crazy plan of yours Nick?"

"You guys trust me? It's crazy but, it just might be crazy enough to work..."

I glanced around the room to see everyone nodding and the room filled with everyone responding with 'yes,' or 'lets go kick some ass.'

I've got to admit I did chuckle at that one, "Alright, here's the plan..."

Ashley's POV

Oh god...
It hurts...
Everything hurts...

I have one hand connected to the ceiling that's forcing me to practically stand on my failing legs.

Abby is somewhere else, upstairs maybe? I don't know anymore...

I can't feel my hand anymore, since he's had me chained like this, for what seems like forever now. My legs gave away who knows how long ago, so I've literally been hanging from my hand. Which it just had to be my bad arm that he chained to the ceiling, so now I'm starting to lose all feeling in my arm, which I can't imagine is a good thing...

I can hear Red's laugh somewhere above me and someone moving around on the second floor. How badly beat up is Abby? Surely it can't be good seeing how she had run away from him the first time and even shot him a couple times...

How the hell is he still walking, or even standing?

My thoughts right now are that he won't let me be strong enough to stand until he's done with these 'sessions' of his. Especially after what Abby pulled...

I just hope that the guys are ok...

Hopefully they just stay away from here, and save themselves...

It's not worth their lives to save us if we both don't want to live with ourselves because of how broken we are...

I just feel like this is going to all go to hell soon, and I don't know why...

Out of nowhere I can hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Then they stop at the floor above me, wait is there another level above me?

I know that this is the level that the video conference was on but I have no idea what could be on the second level, or higher up for that matter...

I can hear Red talking to someone, Abby I think... What's he up to?

Abby's POV

I pull at my chains for what felt like the hundredth time now. I sit back down defeated, at least for now.

I can hear talking upstairs and laughing, but I can't understand what they're saying.

Soon after, I no longer hear voices but instead I hear footsteps coming down some stairs. Sure enough Red walks through the door.

I yank the chains one more time as I try to run but it still doesn't budge, causing me to fall back onto my knees. He definitely wasn't going to make the same mistake he made last time...

"How's my little girl doing?"

I look at him and spit, hitting his shoe.

He gets mad like always. "Look at you still have you're rebellious spirit I see! Guess I'll just have to do better next time. You're just a broken toy in this game Abby. You're useless to me. You are as worthless that the dirt on this floor. I control you now Abby. You are to do as I say, and respect me. Now, if I recall you spit on my shoe earlier, is that how you are to treat me?"

I just look at the floor defeated.

"Are you going to answer me, or not?"

I just continue to stare at the floor, unmoving.

After not responding, he says, "Let this be known Abby, you will not disrespect me. Got it?"

When I still don't respond to him he kicks me in the gut and yells, "Answer me when I'm talking to you!" I open my mouth in a silent scream, that only I can hear in my head. When I finally can't scream anymore, I nearly throw up due to my body recoiling from his kick, but hold it in since he would punish me again if I did.

After watching me lie there suffering, he eventually takes me off my chain, cuffs me and then starts to drag me by my hands down the hall. I tried to catch up and and stand but I kept failing.

Everything hurts now.
It's horrible but, definitely not his worst.

The floor has multiple cracks in it causing me to trip over them and get dragged over others. He made sure that every cut he previously gave me hit either the floor or the wall. Chuckling to himself as he drags me further and further down the hall.

Well, I've felt a lot worse...

After he had his fun with that he yanked me up, with my body pleading not to, he walks me past the stairwell he took Ashley down with me in front of him.

Where are we going?

I soon find out when we stop in front of a door. He opens the door and shoves me in, landing on my back I look around while catching my breath. There are multiple skulls hanging on one wall with names in front of them.

Fuck...Those are NOT animal skulls!

Walking to a corner of the room, he picks up a rock and sets it down under his desk. I hear gears turning and soon there's a downward staircase where part of the wall was.

I squirm as he picks me up again, this time over his shoulder. I try to kick him but he gets annoyed and quickly cuffs my feet together. He walks down the long stairwell taking a few turns on it. Then finally we find a door. He walks to it and punches in a few numbers on the keypad. I think it was 4879 but he kept moving his head trying to block my view...

He pushes the door open then walking in, he drops me on the floor. I slowly sit up only to fall back down onto my back. I see him push a button on the wall and before I know it all of the exits are blocked. And I'm strapped to a table...

I'm forced to look up as I feel a burning pain in my arm. A mans face soon appears above me grinning like a phyco. He lifts something up and I see its a syringe.

Oh god...

It has orange and red liquid in it. Then he disappears from my sight. I feel the burning pain go away but then I feel a prick in my arm. Right from where the stabbing pain came from.

I start to feel dizzy. The sides of my vision going black.

All I hear before I black out is, "This better be as good as you say Doc."

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