Chapter 10

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And to think that I thought I was doing well with remembering to post XD

Sorry for saying excuses but it was final week if that eases your nerves. Sorry about the wait, but here you go guys!

Ghetto's POV


The impact wasn't as bad as I thought but damn.

Shit! We have to do something! AK can't swim well with that splint and Shark has no energy to!

Then I remembered. I had a knife on my belt! Man I thought these guys were smarter. I moved my hands down and soon I felt my belt. I felt around a bit more and I found my knife, luckily. I amazingly pulled it off my belt and moved it around enough to cut my binds. I then swam over to Nick so he could help me get the others. I cut his binds and we both swam after Shark and AK. Nick soon found Shark and swam towards the surface.

I found AK a few seconds later. He looked bad. He was getting pale. I quickly grabbed him and swam towards the surface. I broke the surface soon after, and I breathed in some water. Luckily we weren't to far from the dock. I swam to the dock and threw AK onto it and slowly pulled myself up. Nick and Shark were already there. While I started having a coughing fit, Nick pumped AK's stomach while he threw up some water, and groaned from the pain. Then he rolled over to look at me.

I gave him a sympathetic look, "Sorry for letting you swallow so much water."

He gave me a smirk, "I'm alive aren't I?"

I smiled, he's still the same old AK.

Ashley's POV

God my head hurts...
It's even worse then when I woke up on the ship...
Wait... The ship...
The grenade...

I shoot to sitting up and my eyes fly open, I regret it when the world spins and I fall over again.

I groan, where am I?

I look around me, the room seems familiar, but I can't place it at the moment. I sit up again and try to stand only to find that my hands are chained to the wall next to me...

No... It can't be... How did I get here... How did he get me? I kneel down again since there's no point in getting up.

I hear HIS laugh on the other side of the door getting closer. I stare at the floor, I can't look at him. This monster broke my sister...

Wait what happened to the guys? Weren't they going to get Abby? What happened to-

I hear the door creak open, and I can hear someone walk in.

"Well would you look at that, I guess you just couldn't stay away from me could you? Jealous of the time that your sister spent with me?"

I won't look at him.
Ignore him.
What he says is a lie.

"Aww, come on now. Don't be so rude... I have someone who wants to see you."


"Oh yeah, you know who I'm talking about now don't you..."


"She's dying to see you, her precious older sister..."

It can't be true...
We saved her from here...
Even so...
That would mean that the guys failed...

There's no way... "What did you do to them..."

"Me? Nothing at all, they just went for a little swim, that's all."

No! Shark can't swim with his leg! "You monster..."

"Hey now, be nice Ashley. Have some manners, don't be rude to the host of the party."

I heard the door open again, Red exclaimed, "Ahh, would you look at that! Another guest for my little party!"

Don't look.
Don't look..
Don't look...

Abby's POV

-back on the ship before she was taken away-

I hold my head, I want to scream! But I can't. The pain is so horrible it feels like someone's cutting through me. I close my eyes. I can't stay like this.

"Ah you found my little addition!" What!

Ugh! My head!

I can hear Nick yelling at him.

Then there's a lot of talking... I ended up zoning out because of the pain I was in but all of a sudden I heard Red say, "why don't you and your friends go for a little swim?" Fighting to stay conscious, I open my eyes a little.

No... He's joking right?

My eyes close again and I can feel myself being picked up and carried. I'm set down. Then a motor starts. The lifeboat!

We get lowered down and hit the water starting to drive away.

That's when I hear it...

There are four of them...
One after another...


Red laughs as I try to struggle and get away, but I'm just pinned down and m
my head isn't exactly helping...

We ride for about 10 minuets then we reach our destination: Hell.

I'm no longer able to hang on to consciousness as I pass out for a bit, then I wake up not long after, I think. I'm in the hallway outside the devils room. I can hear him talking to someone. Wait, Ashley!

My head pain spikes and I whimper. The man holding me opens the door. He walks in and drops me to the floor.

I hear Red say, "Ahh! Would you look at that! Another guest for my little party!"

I look up and whimper from the pain in my head. I see Ashley chained to the wall like I first was. I slowly crawl to her and hug her. Why? Why us?

Red laughs, "You see? This is a fun little party, isn't it Abby?" 

I don't look at him. "Abby do you really want to be rude again?"

Oh god! I bend over. My head feels like it's imploding. I slightly pul away from Ashley as I hold my head. I feel like a million rocks were just thrown into it. Red grabs my wrist that's resting on Ashley's shoulder and she tries to bite his hand. He looks up at her and slaps her in the face causing her head to jerk to the side. So, being stubborn, when he reaches toward me I bite his hand. Oh boy, now he looks really pissed off. He picks up his boot and kicks me in the stomach with it.

"There's your temporary punishment and what should I do for you?" He says looking at Ashley.

I try to do something to make him angry at me but I can't seem to think of what to do. Not to mention that with his kick came a new wave of pain and any food I had ate recently. He scowled at me, motioning to his partner who then came and cleaned that mess up.

Earlier I think he said that we were going to have sibling punishment... Oh Great...

I sure hope the guys are ok... I'm not sure if we will be...

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