Chapter 7

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Aw man... I forgot. Again. Damn tis school work, honestly. Alright I feel terrible for forgetting... Goddammit. Hopefully I'm able to get into this habit soon, sorry about the wait guys! Enjoy the chapter!

Abby's POV

"The price of the older one."

No! Nick would never do that! Oh yeah, no one can her me. God damn you Red!

Wait a minute, I slowly roll onto my stomach, biting my lips to keep my self from groaning from my limbs refusing to move.

I finally was able to move my hands hand feet after who knows how long. The morphine must've finally worn out... I slowly but surely got onto my feet and stood up. Then I looked at Nick, when he caught my gaze I mouthed, "Docks!"

Then, I booked it.

Nick's POV

What the hell? As I'm glaring at Red, all of a sudden Abby starts to get up... What is she doing?

When she finally stood up she stared at me and mouthed something really slowly, was it "docks?"

Then off of nothing she ran off camera. Red, having hear her run, just grinned as he heard her footfalls run through the door, then he turned around and followed her.

"Abby run!" Was all I could say before the camera cut out....

Dammit, ok what did she mouth out? Docks? I think so... I've got to get the guys out there as soon as possible!

"We have to get to the other docks! That's where Abby's running to! Where would that be?" I yelled at Ghetto.

"Across the city there's some fishing docks, we'll go there first since I didn't recognize where she was at. If that doesn't work tho? I believe there is another port, kind of like this one on the complete opposite side of town. Either way we have to go, now!"

Abby's POV

I'm going to regret pushing myself this hard later... but it'll be worth it... I'll be safe.

Adrenaline, don't fail me now.

I ran through the open doorway and into the hall. I looked around and spotted a dark room that I could hide in. I ran inside then closed the door.

Looking around I found the mother load. The room was filled to the brink with guns and weapons of all different kinds! Convenient but I better be quick...

I snapped out of it and grabbed a small sniper rifle and 1 pistol with multiple rounds of ammo. Making my way to the door I looked around the door frame and then the alarm kicked in. Sirens blasting and red lights shining showing me the few close men around me running around looking for me. I knew no one would look for me in the room that I was currently in. After I didn't hear anymore boots running down the halls, I ran into the down the hall that was being lit up by what looked to be natural light. Praying that i didn't just screw myself over I started looking for a window. Yes! Please let me be able to jump out, either water or some debris will do...

One window on the far right side was next to some scaffolding, which then lead down the side of the ship, later getting near some metal containers. I hope this idea works...

I looked around again looking for some kind of cloth, finding a blanket folded up on the end of one of the shelves. Unfolding the blanket I placed my sniper on the blanket. Then I broke the window with my pistol before placing it with my sniper and rolled the blanket around the guns. When I got the blanket thru the window I slowly set my guns onto the scaffolding dropping the blanket as well.

How the hell is this going to go... Oh Jesus this is going to hurt.

I grabbed the window and started to hoist myself up and my bad arm felt like it went up in flames. I dropped back onto the floor holding my arm, grimacing as I looked around again. Starting to panic, I finally noticed the box under the bed.

That's way to small to get me all the way up but it'll have to do. After retrieving and placing the box, which need up being filled with sheets and other clothes, I stood on it testing it.

It works? Alrighty then let's get this over with...

The box had me chest high to the window now. Putting my head and arms through the window, I started to push myself through.

After a minute straight of laying on my bruised ribs, pushing with my practically dead arm, and just over all loss of adrenalin, I finally, ungracefully, landed on the scaffolding. Making a noise louder than I hoped and letting out a silent scream...

After grabbing the blanket, I squirmed attempting to get up without hurting myself more, and walked down the scaffolding toward metal containers which thankfully were really close to the scaffolding. After going under the railing on the scaffolding, I got onto the containers and secured my sniper to my back and took hold of my pistol. Looking around quickly, I can't find any kind of ladder to climb down onto the pier. Great...

If I land well it won't hurt too badly, right? Sitting down on the edge, I ready myself and push off the with my good arm. After falling a few feet, I felt the ground impact my feet causing me to stumble and fall. Holy shit that hurts a lot more than I expected!

When I had fallen on the dock my sniper rifle hit the back of my head and my pistol slid a few feet away. Along with my other injuries protesting and flaring when I hit the hard wood. Damn that hurt! I have to keep going though or else Red might spot me. Getting up, I moved as quickly as I could down the dock and made it to the street.

Holding the back of my head, I looked down the street. Which way is the public fishing docks? Oh great! I'm lost in the city with a cannibal's army chasing me!

I looked down the streets one more time, recognizing a store halfway down the street that Ashley and I often went to while Mom and Dad went fishing.

That's the street!

Suddenly I heard the sound that I honestly expected to hear a lot sooner. A gunshot.

Thankfully I didn't feel anything so I ducked and kept running straight ahead toward the nearest building. I knew the snipers could see me so I quickly turned the corner and ducked into the building and looked around.

Great! A bakery! A fricken open room bakery with nowhere to hide! Just what I needed! That would be my luck wouldn't it...

Wait aren't these buildings all connected by underground tunnels for easy supply moving? Oh yeah! There's a door on each side of the basements leading to the next! Finally! History actually taught me something useful! Thank you olden-day people!

I made my way inside of the building and found a door, I opened it up and slowly made my way through the buildings, opening doors and then closing them behind me as I continued my way down the strip.

Please have understood the message Nick! Please! God, I need your help right now!

Nick's POV

"Shark! You stay in the room with Ashley! AK come with Ghetto and I! We're going to get Abby!"

We all practically sprinted to the ladders, flew down those, and then started running across town to our first idea, the docks.

Red's POV

Running down the street after Abby myself, since my men apparently can't do their fucking jobs, I found myself chuckling about this setback.

Little Abby got away from me eh? Interesting... My men are saying that she's running toward the docks... Oh this should be fun. Let's see if they followed my new orders...

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