Chapter 6

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Happy New Years everybody! To say that I planned to update 'yesterday,' was a true statement, I SWEAR (It's 3:30 am here as I'm editing this final draft)! But, I got a chance to go to a really good friends house last night and stay over. Me returning home from there immediately led me to going to my uncles for New Years.

In other words:
I have no good excuse.
Ya know, as always...

I guess, that's should be one my resolutions, huh?

Ya know, getting stuff done and turned in/posted on time.

Anyways, I hope you remember all the great things from 2015 as we move on into the new year!

Or if this was a bad year for you:
That year is over, you did a great job battling through it. Good job!

Now, without my further rambling, here is the chapter...

Shark's POV


Oh my god...

I stood there horrified and most of all, infuriated. How could he do that to her?! She didn't even look alive! Her eyes were full of fear, sadness, and worry when she looked at us.

Sure enough, Red walked into view. "You see? She's so much better! All she had to do was give up!" He looked straight at us. "I was just gonna rig her to explode when you found her, but this? Is so much better!" He laughed like a maniac.

Before I knew what I was saying I burst out. "Why do you find this so amusing?! All you do is torture people for your sick liking!"

Red smiled, "Well at first I was just going to eat her but, then she got a hold of that little radio, and she wanted to try and use it. It worked until I found out and you were too slow. So I gave her a choice; be tortured until she wishes she was dead or tell me a few... weakness. Of course, she wanted to go the hard way and be the hero, and boy did she choose wrong. Although, through the whole thing, she still just wouldn't talk. Finally I realized that since she wanted to stay quiet so badly, that I would help her out a little. You know, make it a little easier for her to stay quiet, so that's exactly what I did."

We all looked at him with horror. Then Nick spoke up, "Abby? Please say something..."

She looked at us and opened her mouth but nothing came out, and she shook her head, instantly grimacing. She looked scared, unsure, and broken. Her eyes pleading for us to do something...

God, I miss her sweet little voice. Her attitude. Her personality. But now she was a shell of who she once was...

She's mute.
She'll never be the same again...

Nick's POV

Red spoke up again turning his attention to Abby, "Aww, come on Abby. You can do better than that, why don't you talk to your friends?"

"You sick bastard..." Ghetto fumed.

"Come on Abby don't be rude! Talk to them! This might be your last chance," he demands as we see his boot go back and he brings it forward kicking her straight in the back. Abby immediately grimaces and starts whimpering as she rolled across the floor...Holy shit...

"STOP IT YOU SICK FREAK! HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH!" Ashley's screaming, and just having a full-blown breakdown.

We can't let Red see her act like this, "Shark get Ashley out of here..."


I turned to Ghetto, "Ghetto help Shark. Get her out of here. Now."

Abby's POV

I still can't move much but I'm getting feeling back in my limbs, why was I numb in the first place? Oh that's right!

About halfway thru my punishment, Red put some morphine in my back, don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but now that I've started to get used to the pain that's returned but, I can now do some acting to help me out here. God I hope I can last through this...

I'm now on my back and I still can't do shit, because I don't want to give away that I can move again. He looks down at me still grinning evilly.

"Abby, Abby, Abby, you are just being rude now! I thought I trained you better!" He pulls his foot back and slams it into my side I whimper rolling over again.

Nick is freaking out on the other side of the screen. Ghetto and Shark come back and they said that Ashley wanted be alone.

I hear Red start to pace around behind me, I can tell he's trying to figure out how to word his next 'demand' since he's muttering to himself.

Then Shark, catches the guys off-guard by saying something about the lifeboats, then running out of the room. Soon returning and telling AK to guard Ashley's room.

Shark's POV

God, this is the worst I have ever seen Red. I feel horrible for Ashley. Abby's the last living person in her family...

To think that she had to watch her get kicked around being able to do nothing! No wonder why she was about to take the lifeboat...


"AK you better let me out of here!!"

Damn this chicks a handful, full of skills too, apparently she picked that lock like it was nothing!

Now I literally have to hold the door with all my strength...

Nick's POV

After AK took to guarding Ashley, Red stops pacing around and starts laughing, "Aww, sibling love, it's so precious but such a cripple, isn't it?"

I looked at him with disgust. His smirk just grows, "Hey Nick," Red starts as he walks toward the camera, around Abby.

"What do you want?"

" I'll give you the girl back." Lies.

"No you won't."

"Oh but I will... For a price anyway."

Oh no, "What kind of price?"

"The price of the older one."

The Crafting DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora