Uh... Yeah.

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I'm guessing you can assume what happened.

But, since I was gone for three days last week I'm still trying to catch up.

Key word there is trying.

So as you can guess with softball season now in full swing, and all this make up work I was only able to get half a chapter done.

Which, isn't how I do things... Ya know, short chapters make me feel like I didn't do enough...

So yeah, I've got a lot of stress off of my shoulders now (even though some is being replaced), since I had my band contest-thingy on Thursday. So yeah, now it's just trying not to piss off the teachers too much before the end of the year.

Wow ,I'm a rambler today aren't I?

Heehee oops XD

I guess I just wanted you guys to a little insight on why there wasn't a chapter this week. I'm going to try my hardest to finish this chapter and get another one going for you guys!

Sorry again guys!
Take care!

Smashleymer out! ♥️

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