Chapter 13

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Sky's POV

After bickering about if we should trust the girl we ran into and Jess winning the argument, we made it to the east docks and climbed onto a boat.

"Jess, why ares we on these boats again?"

Jess turned to Barney, "Really? It's because her group is staying on a boat."

I fake pouted, "Aw, Jess! I thought we were gonna be pirates!" 

She laughed, "Sure, you two can be pirates after we find this group."

She pointed towards the lower decks, "They might be in here! C'mon!"

We made our way into the lower decks and walked down the long hallway looking in rooms as we passed them.

We had just turned a corner into the fuel room. When I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but the hand muffled it. They pulled me backwards and cuffed my hands, and gagged me. Then started shoving me toward the stairs back outside. I got out of their grip and fell onto the ground, and turned to look at my kidnapper and saw a man a bit younger than me wearing a white mask and an orange coat.

He didn't like that I did that and started to drag me towards the upper deck. I struggled and kicked but I stopped when he unsheathed the knife on his belt. I stood up then and let him guide me. Once we got to the upper deck he pushed me out and onto the deck. I looked up to three other men surrounding me.

Oh god.

I realize that my mouth was uncovered when he threw me, was it really that loose?

"Who are you?" I look to the guy that threw me.

I could barely form words, "Umm... my name's Sky."

"Who's in your group?" A man with a gas mask asked.

Shit... "Uhh-"

I was interrupted by someone yelling at them from the doorway.

"Lets Goat go!"

"Barney!" Yes! They came to save me!

I swear, I heard the guys around me start muttering to themselves, "There's no way..."

Barney looked confused then, "Huh?" Then he looked really happy,
"Nicks, AKs, Ghettos, Sharks?" He holstered his gun. Wait what, "Barney! What the hell! Help me!" I scooted toward the other door.

Just then, Jess ran up the stairs, of the door next to me and came out that door, "Sky!" She kneeled by my side and unlocked my handcuffs. She picked me up, pushed me behind her, then looked toward my 'kidnappers'.

She let go of me and ran over to hug the gas mask guy. "Ghetto! Nick! AK! Shark! I missed you guys so much!"

Could this be the group of guys that she always talks about? "Wait are these the guys that you've been talking about?" I'm so confused...


I crept down the stairs and looked around the corner. The guy in the back was a few feet behind the other guy.  Looks like it's your unlucky day man...

I waited for them to turn the corner at the end of the hallway into the fuel room when I grabbed him. I pulled him around the corner, gagged him, and cuffed him. I spun him around and pushed him toward the stairs.

About halfway there he got out of my grip and landed on the floor in front of me. I glared at him and decided to practically drag him up the stairs. That plan went out the window tho when he started flailing. So I unsheathed my knife and placed it on his shoulder, which caused him to start cooperating.

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