Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV

Holy shit, this is awesome! Finally being with other people, and not having to worry about waking up to zombies in the house... "What do you think Abby?"

Her eyes lit up, "That would be awesome but, aren't you mad that I shot him?" She cocks her head at them.

The guy with the splint laughed, "It's fine really, all of us would've done the same thing in your position kiddo."

Abby smirks, "Hey, I'm not that little, but I guess I just want like a picture of our family from the house... Wait a second, what are your names? You know ours but we don't know yours..."

Nick looked surprised, "Oh! Sorry about that! I'm Nick, the guy with the white mask is AK, Ghetto is the big guy in the back, and the guy Abby shot is Shark."

Abby's POV

So I shot Shark. The big one that wanted to kill me was Ghetto, the leader is Nick and finally the one with the cool white mask is AK. Alright I can get used to these guys.

Nick's POV

Looks like we've got some snipers with us now. I just hope that these two don't get targeted by Red, like Jordan did...

"Alright then, Ashley, Abby, welcome to the team. Abby when would you want to get that photo?"

Abby smiled and said, "Whenever we end up in the area we can stop by."

"Sounds good. Well, we are going that way again tomorrow for another supply run if you two want to be in that group since you know the area? And we'll have Shark and AK go with you, since you four got along so well." I hear someone chuckle and I give a little smile.

I continued on by saying, "The rest of us will look for a new base here so we can meet up with a couple of friends later on."

Shark then asks, "Where should we set up the sisters for tonight?"

"Let's set them up in the extra rooms near Ghetto's."

Ghetto pipes in, "As long as they don't steal my peaches, I'm fine with it."

Ashley looks at him with pure confusion on her face, "Peaches?"

Abby's POV

Hmm.. So Ghetto likes peaches. Well he can have all the peaches he wants I'll be good with food. I wonder who their other friends are, or if they have any enemy's.

I look over to Ashley after the guys left to set up the room so we could talk for a bit, "Hey Ash, you think they have any enemy's?"

She looked at me, "Probably. I mean everyone has an enemy or two."

After moving into our new room, I was asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

Ashley's POV

-next morning-

"Hey you girls ready yet?"

"Yeah, we'll be out in a sec!"

We were doing our last minute checks before heading out. Abby and I decided that we could give one of our walkie talkies to Nick so both groups are always in contact.

When we left the boat AK pointed the direction to our house, and our journey began. Shark was doing really well with his splint, seeing as he could walk a normal speed again. Our plan was to go to our house first, clear any helpful supplies, and do a couple buildings around us.

Not much happened during the walk there, we just talked about how Abby and I stayed sane, sitting inside for a few weeks straight. Along with what he's been doing during the apocalypse, and how he met the guys. Abby's definitely grown a liking toward him, probably since he's close to my age. I gotta admit tho, I have too.

"Hey Ash. There's the house. It's still standing..."

"Yeah, and there isn't a horde around it for once..."

Abby's POV

It's kinda weird seeing the house and the streets with no hordes. It was completely infested with zombies...
Oh well, they probably found somewhere else to linger.

"Let's go. We're losing daylight here."
They nod and we enter our house. I walk up to my room. God I'm gonna miss this place. All my memories of friends and family, but I can't do anything about it, all I can do is try to survive and protect my new friends. No matter what it takes...

-After they leave the house-

We were about to go into the gun store one more time before we headed back when we got a message from Nick and Ghetto, "Hey guys are you there?"

"Yes we're here."

"Good, there's a huge horde we just ran into and I think they're gonna come after us if we go any further so I think we are heading back."

"Alright we will too."

-To The Boat!-

Our group got to the boat first. Shark and Ashley had me go up first, so they could have the guys help Shark into the boat, and so AK could communicate with them to find out where they are. I had just reached the top of the ladder when I heard the sound of a gun loading. Oh no...

"You move now, your as good as dead," I looked up to see a man in red clothes. He leaned down and grabbed my collar, and lifted me up turning me to face the dock where Shark, AK, and Ashley stood talking among themselves.

"Hmm, I could just kill the youngest one again like little Jordan," he chuckled as he put the gun to my head. He's done this to them before? Really? That kid ended up dead, but why did he just say he wasn't going to kill me?

I spotted Nick and Ghetto just stepping onto the dock, and I tensed up and tried to escape. The man holding me tightened his grip and pressed the gun even harder into my head causing me to wince, I opened my mouth to yell to them but he covered my mouth with his hand before I could.

"Now, now. No need for that," he looked towards them, "Oh, this'll be fun. Ghetto! My old friend," He yelled out as they got closer. Ghetto looked up along with the others, they froze and Ghetto looked so pissed? Concerned? Scared?

"Put her down right fucking NOW Red!" Wow...

The man holding me, or Red as Ghetto called him, chuckled and then threw me. Causing me to hit the ladder with my head, hard enough to make everything fuzzy. As I tried to get my bearings, he had taken his pistol away from me and within a second he aimed at the dock and fired. Immediately after, I heard Ashley scream, oh god, no no no no...

I tried to get up but before I knew what happened, I was grabbed by the collar again and was lifted into the air so I screamed, but got cut off by my collar pushing against my neck. I need to get away from him, now!

The guys looked back up at me then but were still too far away to do anything. They started running toward the boat, but before they could reach me, I was then dragged by my collar to the opposite edge of the boat and was thrown off.

I felt myself get surrounded by something before everything went black...

Ashley's POV

No...nononono, no!


That dick just shot me and threw Abby overboard!
What the hell just happened!?
Who the hell was he!?

Gahh!! Damn him... damn him to hell.

Ghetto, Nick and AK charged the boat while Shark stayed with me. As we were waiting and Shark was tending to my shoulder, we saw Red circle back to us, turn and run to the farthest side of the boat, slide down the ladder to the dock and bolt. Shark was able to get him at least once in the shoulder, before he got away. He should have killed him...

Nick's POV

"God Dammit!" I yelled. I let it happen again! Why Abby? Why?

We are not having another incident like with Jordan. Never again will that happen...

I'll be sure of that.

Sharks POV

Shit! Not again! I never thought he was this close to us...

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