Chapter 18

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Sorry this is a bit of a filler chapter

Ashley's POV


Why do I feel like something's wrong?

The feeling hit me as soon as I started to wake up. I slowly and quietly woke up to an empty and dark room. I was in the same one still but Abby was gone now. Red must've taken her back to some other hell...

Now what...

I slowly sit myself up and put my arms around my legs, well... as much as I could...

Dropping my head into my knees and curling into a ball, I tried to think of something helpful.

Yet, I was cut off before I even began, when I heard someone yelling down the hallway. No doubt that it's Red...

You could tell that he was enraged by something, but the question is, what? I mean, this is the first time that I've heard him yelling... What's going on?

Soon after, I heard several footsteps coming down the hall toward my room.

Lifting my head, I watch as the door is slammed open. Flinching back, I watch as one of his guards walks toward me as another holds the door.

After unlocking me from the wall, the guard jerks me to my feet and, after I nearly fall on my face, he 'guides' me out the door.

Looking around the hallway I mumble, "What's going on..."

"Shut it!"

I nod my head, grimacing, and look down at our feet as he continues to lead me. Jeez... What's happening...

Suddenly, we stop when the guards I'm with get a call on the radio that said a bunch of numbers, like a code. After some shuffling, the second guard stands in front of me, lifts my chin and then smirks as the guy behind me hands him some strips of cloth, rags almost. What the hell...

"I suggest that you cooperate, you little shit. Otherwise Red won't be the only person that you have to worry about."

I can't help but realize how scared I am of what's going to happen, when I feel a tear fall as he straightens the first rag out, and wraps it around my head. Blindfolding me.

"Open your mouth."

I start shaking my head knowing what they're going to do now, "Nononononono please don't-"

I'm cut off by a hand making contact with my face and being thrown to the floor. A boot then connects with my side which causes me to gasp in pain and roll over.

As I roll onto my back, my cuffed hands are pinned above my head and I feel a huge weight rest on my waist and legs.

I hear the guard chuckle to himself as he scolds me like an owner would treat a pet. "I told you to be cooperative! You should've listened you little shit! Now, because of you, I had to do this! Now do something right for once and sit still!"

I gag as another one of the rags is shoved into my mouth, but before I can spit it out the last of the rags, that he was handed, is tied around my mouth. Gagging me.

I feel the weight disappear as the guard chuckles again, "There you go. Look at the worthless bitch actually listen to her superiors."

I can't tell which part hurt more... The slap and the kick...

Or all these things that they're saying...

Before I can recover fully, I feel them grab me again as I'm dragged who knows where once again. The eternity of walking, or being dragged, into the unknown finally ends though when I hear someone else mutter, "Took you guys long enough."

The guard next to me gruffly responds, "Ha, you try getting a stupid bitch to follow directions."

Ok I get it dude...
I'm a fucking idiot.
Got it...

I hear a door in front of me open as I'm dragged inside and my cuffs are taken off. Before I can enjoy that freedom though, I'm thrown into an uncomfortable chair and am almost instantly cuffed by every limb to the chair.

Dropping my head I hear them chuckle and shuffle away from me before the door slams shut.

What the hell do I do now...

??? POV

Looking over at my temporary boss I report, "I did what you asked sir. May I ask why I had that target?"

One of his eyes seem to shift my direction as the other is still looking somewhere else and responds, "Good, I expected nothing less of you. Did you leave the note where I asked?"

"Yes, the note about your deal was left next to him in plain sight."

"Perfect, now to answer your second question, it's simple really." He gets up and walks around his little lab, "I had a deal with an acquaintance not to long ago, but he hasn't held up to his side of things. So I just wanted to give him a little, reminder, if you will."

Huh, "Understandable, so is my work here done then?"

"Nearly, I just need you to grab a formula from that corner cabinet for me."

I walk over to the corner he points to, "Uh, sure which one?"

I can hear him digging around in the other corner of the room, "Hmm, it should be the dark red one in there."

As I look through the cabinet I can't seem to find it, "Hey Doc. I can't seem to find -" I turn to see him directly in front of me as he plunges a syringe into my shoulder. "GAHH!"

I try to get away from him but he's already injected me with the concoction. He pulls it out of my arm and pushes me over. As I hit the floor my arm feels as if it's on fire.

I can hear myself yelling but all of my focus is on the fire that's spreading from my arm to the rest of my body. As it tapers a bit, I manage to get on my knees and say, "Ross... What have you... done..."

"Ah ah ah, it's Doctor to you. Now, the more you fight it the more it'll hurt you. Just let it happen and everything will be fine."

"N-no, h-how could you... You b-backs-stabbing s-son of a bitch! GAHH!" Another wave hits me as I fall onto my side.

"That's it, just let it take over."

"No! Make it stop! Gahh!" Just make it end!



"Hmm, interesting." I can barely make out Ross moving next to me. "Let's see how this affects his turning..." What...

I can make out Ross's wind up with something before I feel a huge pressure hit the back of my head and all of my thoughts turn to eating... And hunting...



G i v e

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