Chapter 5

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Nick's POV

It was my turn to be lookout while Ghetto checked on Ashley, when I heard something coming from my pocket... Wait a second...

I dug in my pocket and felt something.
What the hell?
I pulled it out and looked at it.
The walkie talkie?

I started listening closer to it, and then picked up a girl saying, "*static* in, it's me *static* Don't know how *static* this will last or when he'll be ba-*static* know where I am, but I *static* port somewhere. Please *static*-rry he's *crackle*" Then, the line was silent. What the hell...

Who was that?
Ok, their voice was of a little girl...
She couldn't have been too far out since she was able to connect to my walkie...
We don't have the other walkie talkie...
Abby did...

Was that!?
What the hell!
She was thrown overboard though!?
I'm so confused...
Why did we never look over the side of the boat? How stupid are we?

I need to know who this is...

Hoping to get a response I respond, "I heard your call. Who is this?" After getting no response I was a little baffled...

Whoever it was, the signal quit... Dammit what did she say? Something about a port?
What other ports are here?

Well..This should be an interesting meeting...

Ashley's POV

Apparently that alarm means that someone's called a meeting, I wonder what this is about. Ghetto said that I should probably come along just in case it's important for me to be there...

When we got to the meeting room everyone was already there and Nick wasted no time in dropping a bomb, "I think Abby's alive..."

Almost immediately everyone was asking questions...
"What the hell!"
"Are you sure you didn't just fall asleep again?"

But me? I was just standing there, at a loss for words.

What? How...

When everyone quieted down I was finally able to get out, "Please don't get my hopes up if this isn't real or your unsure. Why would you think that..."

It was like Nick only wanted to see my reaction because he hadn't said anything until I was able to talk. When he heard my reply he answered, "Guys, calm down... I know I wasn't sleeping this time because does anyone remember these?" He tosses one of the walkie talkies on to the table beside him, and continues, "I was looking toward the middle of town when I started hearing this go off in my pocket, I started listening and after stating that 'it's me,' she said something about a port, which must be in the city somewhere close to the walkie talkies maximum limit, since it cut out soon after... If you don't believe me check the cameras that AK set up. There was one right above me..."


Why the hell haven't I heard about these? "Wait wait wait... The rest of that story I was iffy about but you said you have cameras?" What the hell?

AK speaks up,"Yeah, we've got them posted all around... the ... ship... Holy shit! How did I not think of them sooner! Everyone follow me!"

After racing up the stairs, with me slowing down and moving along with Shark, the two of us entered the control room just as the videos started to be pulled up.

After a few minutes of all of us looking at the screens waiting for a camera to show anything of use, we saw it...

An overview camera of the side of the ship covering all the way down the bow, showing half the screen as the boat and the other half over the side and along the side of the boat.

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