Chapter 14

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Dang, sorry this one is so short. It's just how it worked out. Currently sitting and waiting for my softball game to start. Sorry for being late again! Enjoy the chapter!

Jess's POV

Nick and the guys gave us all rooms to stay in, mine being Ashley and Abby's old room. All their things were still here; weapons, clothes, etc., and I started tearing up when I saw the picture of their family. The two little girls were smiling to their ears and the parents looked not to far away from that.

Nick told us their backstory more after AK and Ghetto left. Hearing their backstory, on top of coming into their room, was heartbreaking. Now have even more motivation to save these two now.

I was eventually broken out of my train of thought when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I put the photo back where I found it and turned to see Sky and Barney. Barney goes to close the door while Sky says, "How you feeling Jess? You know about everything we learned..."

Huh, what can I say... Well, "I just feel so bad for them. I mean, they've had such a rough life since the start of this apocalypse..."

"I can't believe those dirts. Hows could they dos that to such little girls? Huh?"

"Anyway, I just wanted to check on you Jess before we head out for a walk, maybe some looting along the way as well."

"Oh, ok. Don't be gone too long since we don't know the city too well."

"No problem, we will be back before dark. Don't worry though, we told the guys as well and they gave us a map, that way we won't get lost."

"Sure, just don't do anything stupid on me, alright?"

Sky chuckles, "We won't, see ya later Jess!" They walk out closing the door behind them and I can hear them walk toward the upper deck.

Have fun guys, you haven't gotten alone time in awhile.

Ashley's POV

Why is today so much different?
I've been left alone all day...
I mean I'm not complaining but...
It makes me wonder how Abby's doing...
What the hell is Red up to anyway?

Surprisingly, the silence is finally broken when I start hearing footsteps come down the hallway toward my room. What's going on today...

The door opens and I see two people walk in, one being taller than the other. I hear Red's laugh so I look away before I can see the person he's with.

"Aww look at her, she's so fragile!"

I don't know what shocked me more, Red calling me fragile for the first time or the voice that came next.

"Leave her alone Red," a somewhat robotic voice says. Who. The. Hell. Is. That?

"Aww, you two are so cute!" Us two? Who is he with?

Red laughs again, "Go on! Go see her! Introduce yourself!"

I hear someone fall in the center of the room on the floor. I slowly glance up and I can't believe it.

There in the middle of the room was Abby...


She- she was mute last time I saw her! How is she talking!?

"A-Abby? W-was that y-you?" My voice comes out raspier that I expected.

She looks up at me and nods, looking back at Red as she gets up and says, "Yes, and I hate it..." I look from her, to Red, and back again as she starts making her way over to me.

Red smirks, "Always so hostile, aren't you Abby?"

She stops and faces him again, "Can't we be alone? You've done enough."

I look back down at the floor then, trying to stay out of the conversation. He's going to hurt her again for talking back. Why is she still standing up to him...

I flinch again when Red's laugh sounds through the room, "Feisty puppet, aren't you? Well I guess all toys need to be broken in," and with that he leaves, locking the door behind him.

What does he mean by that?...

After Red leaves Abby turns back to me and quickly drops down next to me. I can't help but start to cry when I feel her arms wrap around me, I wish I could hug her back, but my hands are still chained to the wall behind me.

I need to be comforting her...
I'm the older sister, I should be doing the comforting...
She's been through so much more than me and she's the one comforting me...

Soon enough we are both crying on each others shoulders, just comforting one another.
I can't seem to get the sentences out of my head, that have been on replay since she was taken the first time, and have gotten louder ever since...

She doesn't deserve this.
Why did this happen to her?
I can only get better from here, but...
It keeps getting worse.
When will this end?

The one that repeats itself the most though, the one that doesn't let up is simply:

I'm a horrible sister...

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