Our Class

654 31 19

Adam's Cover Of- Stay by Rihanna
Adam Lambert- Trespassing
IM5- Superman


Tommy's P.O.V:

"Sorry. I'm Adam." I smiled and nodded. "Oh, I'm Tommy." He chuckled. "So, I'd better get going. Gonna be late for class."

He turned and walked away. He looked back at me and waved. I don't know what this is. I can't get his name out of my mind.



Adams P.O.V:


His name is just hypnotizing. And the way that his curly-wavy hair falls in his face perfectly without him trying. His eyes were a reddish brown, which stands out more because of his beautiful makeup.

Am I falling?

"Adam?" My best friend, Rose, waves her hand in my face. I snap out of my trance and look at her. "Yeah?" She looks at me warily.

"You just like completely zoned out right there. What's up?" She asks, looking up at me. We were walking to our second period class. Its my favorite class.


I turn to Rose and smile. "Nothing.. I just really love theatre." She didn't seem to fall for it. "Okay c'mon, what is it really?" She says, putting her hands on her hips. I smile again and look down.

"Well there's this guy..." She gasps and squeals. She starts jumping around. I laugh at her and grab her shoulders. "The thing is, I don't know if he likes me or not."

She looks at me blankly. "I have to meet the guy that stole my man's heart!!" I laugh again as she grabs my hand and drags me to Theatre.

Tommy's P.O.V:

I walk to class with my head down and books in my hand. Let's just hope I don't run into Jake again. I thought. My next class is Theatre. I think its my favorite.

It gets my mind off the bad, shitty things going on. I walk to the class without any trouble and sit at a desk at the far corner of a room.

I take out a piece of paper and take out one of my pens and mechanical pencils. I couldn't get Adam out of my head.

I drew the outline of his face and erased any crooked lines I had made. It has to be perfect. Once I perfected it, I drew the outlines of his hair. I drew, or attempted to, every little piece of hair sticking out.

"Whacha drawing?" I hear a voice in front of me. I jump and quickly flip the paper over. I look up to see Adam, smiling and waiting for my answer. I look at him wide eyed.

"I was just uh, I was um-- How long have you been st-standing there?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck. Smooth, Tommy.

He laughs a beautiful laugh. "About a couple of seconds." I nod slowly. "So, um.. Y-You have this class too?" I ask him, trying to change the subject.

His eyes lit up. "Yup. This is my favorite class." I smile. "Mine too. It helps me get my mind off of..." I stop there. Adam nods as if he understands.

"Everyone, take a seat!" The enthusiastic teacher claps her hands together. Adam quickly took a seat next to mine and I felt his hand brush against my arm. I shiver and look at the white board.

Ms. Evans.

"Today, we will be coming up with ideas for a school event. Find a partner and in 2 minutes, we will share our ideas." She smiles and waves us off.

Everyone gets up but I stay in my seat, waiting for someone to come to me. It'll be a waste of time to just get up and look for someone who doesn't even want me.

I look to see Adam talking to a girl with teal colored hair and blue eyes. She had black tips and was way shorter than Adam. I think she's shorter than me too.

I watch as Adam walks to me and smiles. I shyly return the smile and look down, blushing. "So who's that?" I ask him, referring to the girl he was talking to.

"Oh! That's Rose. But I call her Rosie. She is the sweetest girl ever, I swear. I can take you to go meet her after class if you want." He smiles at me again. I nod.

I look over at Rosie and see her one talking to a girl about her height. She has very light brown hair that is swooped to the left side.

"Alright, everyone, start discussing!" Ms. Evans sets up a timer and the room gets loud. I turn to Adam. "What do you think, Adam?" I ask first.

He bites his lip, thinking. "What if we do a school play?" He asks. I nod at the idea. But it didn't seem right. "What about a talent show?" His eyes lit up.

"Absolutely! We have a minute left... So, what were you drawing?" He tilts his head at me. My face heats up and I try to cover it with my blonde hair. "I, uh, I..."

I said the first thing to pop up in my head. "I was drawing my dad... He died of a heart attack." I bit my lip, trying not to let my tears slip from eyes grasp. He instantly wraps me in his warm arms.

I really didn't wanna cry. But I let just one tear slip by as I hug him back. I took in his scent. I pull back, quickly wiping away the stray tear, hoping it didn't smear my makeup. "I'm so sorry, Tommy." Adam says.

"Baby Boy, you have nothing to worry about. Don't apologize." I let the words slip my lips. I freeze up as he looks at me. "Baby Boy?" He asks. I stutter. I don't even...

I raise my hand. "May I use the bathroom?" I ask shakily. Ms. Evans rolls her eyes and nods. I get up from my seat and out the door. But not before seeing the flash of hurt spread across Adams beautiful features.


Hey guys! Sorry if this is too short cx its more of a filler for this week. Sorry! I will update next week! LOVE YOU!!!

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