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Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
SoaD- Radio Video
Green Day- Boulevard of Broken Dreams


Adams P.O.V:

"I'm leaving for the week. He can't have a say in it and you can just cower in the corner. Goodnight and goodbye." With that, Tommy pushed his mom from the door, me following like a lost puppy. Except, I know exactly what's going on.

Before I left, I heard a whimper. I wanted to turn around but I knew that Tommy wanted to leave. But instead, he stopped. Fuck. He cursed. He turned around, heading back to the room. "Terrence, pack up."


Tommy's P.O.V:

Tommy, are you sure this is what you want?

I stuffed more of Terrence's clothes in the bag angrily, trying to cool off. I honestly didn't want to. I just don't want to leave him with... Them. I would've taken Sarah and Stu but I don't like them, they're too young to stay with me, and they would've been such a hassle. Sorry, not sorry.

I'm fine.

No you're not.

I turn to him. "Adam, just fucking leave it be!" I snapped. I realized what I said and apologized. "I'm so sorry, Adam." I looked down, tears stinging my eyes. He gave me a small smile. "You don't have to apologize." Terrence gave me a weird look. "He wasn't even talking..." He says warily. "He.. He was touching my stuff and I didn't like it so I told him to stop." I lied.

"Then why'd you say sorry?"

"Because I yelled at him."

"Dad doesn't say sorry when he yells at us."

"... Richard's a different story." A dark and evil story.


We left it at that and kept packing. Richard and mom kept giving us dirty looks from afar. Mom stepped forward. "That's alright. We don't need Terrence either. He's just like his brother. Disobedient and--"

"Sexy as hell?" I cut her off, giggling. The boys behind me giggle as well. She glared at me, red face and steaming ears. "Hurry the fuck up and get out of here." She growls. "Your wish is my command." I mumble sarcastically. I grab my bag and Terrence grabs his. One by one, we head out the door.

"Bye." I slammed the door. I looked over at Terrence. He had an expressionless look on his face. But deep inside his eyes, I saw relief. "Do you really wanna stay with us?" I blurted out while sitting in Adams car with them. Terrence stayed quiet.

I nod. I'll take that as a no..? "I do." Terrence suddenly says. "You guys saved me from him and... I feel like I owe you guys. I'm so sorry that I treated you so badly, bro. I just.. I didn't want him to hate me too and you know... Yeah." I looked down. I honestly didn't know how to respond.

I just nodded again. "What's the date?" He asked randomly. "October 18." We got to Adams house and I saw Lisa sitting at the kitchen table with a mug in her hand. "What's Terrence doing here?" She asks bluntly. "We decided to bring him with us so... He can.. Yeah." I awkwardly said. She giggles. "Yeah, whatever."



Tommy's P.O.V:

I woke up and it was really dark in here. What time is it? I rolled over, grabbing my phone from the bedside table. 7:15. I jumped out of bed. Shit, we're gonna be late! "Terrence, wake the fuck up!" I yell, jumping on him. He groaned. "I don't want to! Get off me!"

"We're gonna be late!" I jog to Adams room and knock furiously on his door. "Adam, wake up, we're gonna be late!" I run to the room that Lisa, Terrence, and I were sharing. I know, you're probably thinking; Why is he freaking out over being late? Well, if I'm late again, I get a detention. If I get this detention, I won't be able to graduate.

I didn't go to school for nothing, right? I tugged on my jeans and a plain white T-shirt. "Are you guys ready yet?!" I hollered. All I got were groans as responses. "By the time I'm done, you guys better be ready!" I say, running to the bathroom and putting on a layer of black eyeliner. I looked at my hair. I'm gonna dye it black. Because why not.

I shove on my creepers and put on my leather jacket. I then realized that I was forgetting the most important thing. My bookbag. I left it at moms house. Fuck. I have to be quick. "Adam!" I yell. His head pops out from the door. He was dressed, makeup on, but his hair was still a disaster.

He gasps and I giggle. "Hey, shut up, my hair might be a disaster but I'm not the one that plays air guitar in their sleep." My mouth gaped open and my face burned. "Close your mouth. Don't want a fly goin' on there, do you?" He winked.

"That isn't the point! We left our bookbags at my moms house and I was thinking that maybe you could give us a ride?" He nodded. "Terrence! Let's go!" He came down and we rode to the house.

We got to the front door but we stayed in there for a minute. 7:35. If we go now, we'll have enough time to drop off Terrence and get to school. "Alright, Terrence. We just go in, grab our backpacks, and then leave. Got it? Don't talk to anyone." He nods and we exit the car.

I grab the key from under the mat and unlock the door. "Go." I whispered and we rushed upstairs, grabbing out bookbags and me grabbing my headphones. We came out of our rooms at the same and I grabbed his hand, dragging him out before Richard or mom could glance at us.

We rushed out, slamming the door and laughing. He put his hands on his knees to try and catch his breath. "I haven't felt this alive in a long time." He says, still gasping.

I smiled. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad.

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