Talent Show Pt. 1

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Hey, guys!! I'm so sorry that this was a whole week late. I had a major writers block! I will make a part 2 of this chapter and post it later today or this week!

Adam Lambert- Time For Miracles
Adam Lambert- Trespassing
Adam Lambert- For Your Entertainment

Tommy's P.O.V:

I think I love Adam Lambert.


A week later...

Tommy's P.O.V:

I woke up on the air mattress that lays beside Adams bed. The sun shining through his blinds reaches over to me and covers me in a blanket of warmth. I look at my wrists. 4 days clean. I just can't tell Adam and I'll be fine.

It was 6:30. At least we won't be late. I grunted, pushing myself up to go to the bathroom. My muscles ached. I should really work out. I felt a poke on my shoulder. "Go make me a sandwich." Adam tells me, looking at me with groggy eyes. "Bitch, I'm not your maid." I retort, smirking.

He grumbles. "Ouch. Fuck you, too, then." I smile and shake my head. "We have to get ready for the talent show." I remind him, rubbing my eyes.

He perks up. "Oh, yeah. You're gonna be there, right?" Stupid question, Addy.

"Well, sorry. I just wanted to make sure."


"Just." He smiles at me and gets out of bed. He goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower go off.

I change into my black clothing, putting on the guitar necklace that Terrence bought me as an apology gift.

Lisa moved out of my parents house and bought one near Adams. She had to "keep an eye out for me".

I slip on my boots and did my makeup, sitting on the edge of the soft bed with my clear bookbag on my lap. I decided to check on Terrence.

I opened the door to see him still sleeping. "Terrence, wake up!" I jump on him and listen to him groan. "Leave me alonee." He whines.

"Not today, bro. It's Monday. The week is, sadly, just starting. Now get up or else we're gonna be late."

He groans again but gets up. "Out." I smile at him and exit his room. I go back into Adam and I's shared room.

He was putting on his shirt, pulling on his bookbag after.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded. We dropped off Terrence and drove to school. We got out, seeing no one outside the school.

Adam softly interlaces my fingers with his and gave me a gentle smile. I melted into his eyes and returned the smile, squeezing it slightly.

I really think I'm falling in love. In the little time that I've known him, I just find everything perfect. The way he walks. The sweet sound of his voice when he sings. His plush, feather-like lips. His crystal clear blue eyes. His dazzling smile. His soft, silky hair. His heart, gentle to everyone deserving a smile. I don't care for myself as much as I do for him. I needed him. And that is why I wrote him a song. I'm not good at all with words. I decided to express my feelings through song.

Once we got to the front doors, we went through our first classes without any trouble. English. My least favorite of all classes. Not only because it's boring as fuck, but because Adam isn't there.

After an agonizing 55 minutes, I got out of the class and stood at Adams locker, waiting for him to return. I take out a can of 7up from my bookbag, opening it and taking a sip. The ice cold drink burned my throat as it went down.

I wonder why Jacob hasn't harassed me yet...

Maybe he just found someone else to pick on.

No... I'm still pretty vulnerable to.. Well, everyone.

"Hello, lady." I turned around to see Jacobs disgusted; and disgusting, face. "Oh. Sorry. I meant fag." His annoying voice echoed in my ears.

"What do you want from me, Jacob?" (Currently listening to WWFM right now! Cx) . I guess you could say that I gained some confidence this past week. Some. Almost. "Nothing much. I just want to see you suffer."

He comes up to me and I cower down a bit, scared. Adam, please hurry.. Just to my damned luck, Jacob grabbed my soda and splashed it on my face. I closed my eyes shut and shake my head, trying to get the sticky substance out of my blonde hair.

"Step away from him." I hear and see Adam, growling at Jacob. He smirked. "Awe, look, boys. Are you here to protect your boyfriend?"

Adam didn't answer for a moment. "Yes." I hear come from his beautiful mouth. I look up at him slowly, registering what he said.

Jacob looked surprised. I'm just as surprised as he is. I guess he never expected an answer like that coming from either of us. "Touch him again and I will pound your ass. Walk away. Right now." Adam stepped up to him, looking down. Jacob was about an inch shorter than him. I, on the other hand, am 2 inches shorter.

Jacob glared at the both of us, Adam glaring back and pulled me close to him while I just stand there and watch their stare off. Adams crystal stare was intense. It's as if he was throwing icicle daggers at his target.

"This isn't over yet." Jacob threatened and walker away, kicking someone's locker, making a dent in it. I turn around, giving Adam a hug. Despite my damp and sticky hair, he wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"I told you I will always protect you," he mumbled, lips grazing over my ear. I smile even though I knew he couldn't see me.

We went through our classes, surprisingly, not having any troubles. I rubbed the tiredness and sleepiness out of my eyes and got hyped up for the show.

I felt this feeling at the pit of my stomach. There has to be a reason that Jacob hasn't harassed me yet. It's scaring me and I can't think.

All I have to do is wait..

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