Struck Me Like Lightning

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Damn, 4295 words! I'm so proud of myself.. Cx anyway, hope you like this New Years Eve chapter. Kisses! Muah!!

The Wanted- Lightning
System of a Down- Violent Pornography
Adam Lambert- Aftermath


Adams P.O.V:

I walk over to Tommy's bed with my arms supporting him and helped him on the bed. "Are you gonna be okay?" I asked, pulling the covers over him and up to his chin. He nodded. "I'll be fine." I just hope I don't have another nightmare.

I type my number in his phone and turn to him, kissing his forehead. He closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Tommy."

"Goodnight, Adam."


Tommy's P.O.V:

2 days later...

I wake up with the sun hitting my eyes brightly. I made an attempt to shield them with my arm but I couldn't move it. I look at my arm to see the force holding it down. I found Adams head laying on my arm with his arms supporting his chin. His face was squished against my skin, making his lips pucker. It was quite cute actually.

I laid back, staring at the ceiling. I didn't want to wake him. He stirred and opened his eyes, revealing those sparkling gray colored eyes. "Morning, lazyass." I smirked. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"You looked too peaceful." I shrugged, smiling a little. He chuckles. "What time is it?" I ask, stretching my right arm. My left wrist is dislocated and I don't really wanna risk anything. "10 am." How long has he been here?

"How long have you been here?" I ask.

"Since visiting hours started."

"Adam, you've been here for 4 hours! Go home and rest please!" He shook his head. "I'm fine." He whines. I huff. "Fine. But I swear to god, Adam, if you do this again, I will stick my foot up your--" He puts his hands out in front of him. "Woah, woah! Okay, okay, I won't do it again." He laughs.

I gave him a satisfying nod. For another 10 minutes, we just talked about random things. Rose and Ash slip into the room. "Hey, Tommy. We got you fooood." Ashley says in a sing song voice. She holds up a Taco Bell bag and sets it down infront of me.

I smile at her. "Thanks, Ash... Did you get anything for yourselves?" I asked reluctantly. I don't like eating infront of people that aren't eating as well. It makes me feel like a pig.

Ashley nods. Rose holds up two other bags and smiles a wide smile. I return the smile and open the bag. We ate and talked about maybe going to see a movie that's coming out on Friday (It's Wednesday at that time).

Then we are rudely interrupted. By my intoxicated stepfather. He forces me to call him "Dad". He's just a jerk. He married my mom when I was sixteen. I am currently 17... Just to put it out there. But I'm still terrified of him. "Wh-What are you doing here?" I ask, putting my trash in the bag and fiddling with my hospital gown.

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