By The Rules I Play

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Hey, guys! Lmao its Saturday and 11:49 at night so... Why not just update now?

Adam Lambert- WWFM
Jonas Brothers- Goodnight and Goodbye
Metallica- Enter Sandman


Adams P.O.V:

"Ready?" I asked. He just stared at the front door for a couple of seconds. "Ready."


Adams P.O.V:

I jiggle the doorknob. It was open. Why? I shake off my thoughts. I quietly slip in with my hand latched onto Tommy's wrist. I looked around. It looked like there was no one here. Then there was a small crash in Tommy's room. He turned pale and swallowed. "Tommy, let's just get out of here..." I say, noticing his obvious unease.

He shakes his head. "No. I'm not gonna let them ruin a simple walk in the park. I'm gonna get my clothes, change, and get out. S-Simple." He shivered. I nod slowly and pulled him upstairs. "Stop!" I heard, mumbled into the walls. The voice was male. But they sounded like a child.

We looked through the small crack of Tommy's open door. Some people just never learn. There was a 13 year old looking boy with pale skin and green eyes. There were tears brimming at the edge of his lower eyelids. "P-please, daddy, I'll behave." He stuttered. "Shut up!" Richard yelled.

I looked at Tommy. He looked thoughtful. If I go in there and save Terrence, maybe he'll forgive me and accept me. On the other hand... Maybe he'll just stab me in the back. I don't know. He's my brother. But he could be a total jackass... I can't let him go through what I did and probably will in the future. I'm not like that. He takes a deep breath and looks at me. He nods.

I opened the door. Richard snaps his head towards us. "Why the hell are you two fags here?" Well, someone's not drunk.. "Let him go." Tommy simply says. Richard laughs. "What makes you think I'm going to listen to you?" Now it was Tommy's turn to laugh. "Richard, I'm done with being pushed around. I'm done fighting for my life. I'm done fighting you. What did you get out of this? What did you get out of beating me up? What are you getting out of beating Terrence? Lisa? Stu or Sarah? I get that you're homophobic. I'm okay with that. Believe it all you want. I don't care if you think I'm a sin. But when you beat me and 'punish' me for it, that's crossing the line. I've lived through this bullshit for so long that I just don't want to go through it all anymore. Terrence didn't deserve this. I bet that the reason is stupid. I'm getting my clothes and I'm staying with Adam for the week. You have no say in this because you don't own me. You are not my father. You are not my friend. You are not family. You? Are nothing." The words rolled off his toungue non-stop. Disappointment and anger spewing from his words. He wants to stay with me?

Richard was now furious. God, this guy needs Anger Manegment classes. "You can't talk to me that way!" Tommy laughed a venomous chuckle. "Oh, really? Why not? You don't own me. You don't have anything to do with me anymore. I'm leaving and that's that." Tommy walked towards his dresser, hands slightly shaking. I could tell that he was trying to hold himself together.

I walked with him, making sure he didn't get hurt. Richard stormed towards him. I stepped infront of him, putting a hand on his greasy shirt. I shake my head in disapproval. "Don't you ever listen? He doesn't want you. He doesn't need you. Leave him alone and we can leave without a fight. That sounds like a plan to me. Hm?" He glared at me while Tommy took out his small sports bag. At the corner of my eye, I see Terrence walking towards Tommy, helping him pack.

I mentally smile. Richard tried to shove me to the side. I stood my ground and kept my arms crossed. He shoved harder and I held on to his arms. He stumbled backwards from a little surprise. He growled. And that's when the first punch landed.

I wasn't quick enough. God dammit, Adam. I thought to myself. "Adam!" Tommy cries in disbelief. I stumbled backwards, almost landing on my ass. "You had it coming." I mumble. I tried to punch his face but he blocked me with his forearm, bringing his foot to my stomach. "Fuck." I groaned. "Richard, get the hell off of him!" Tommy tried to intervine.

He grabbed Richard by his shoulders and shoved him off, backing away enough to not get hurt. I stretched my muscles, getting ready to fight. I remembered something that my sensei told me. The best attack is to play defense. Use the force of their hit to knock them down. I nodded to myself. I got into a position; my fists raised by my chest and one leg extended lightly forward.

I could so imagine some badass song playing at this moment. Like the ones in kung fu movies. Or maybe the beginning of Enter Sandman (Metallica).

Richard got up, glaring at Tommy. Tommy glared back. Damn. Richard sprinted towards him and jumped at him. Almost as if we were playing leapfrog. Following the rules of the game, he ducked and Richard landed with a thud. I smirked and motioned for Tommy to run over here. He did so and we both stood there, waiting for the beast to lunge at us. Terrence was packing up a weeks worth of clothes for Tommy.

"What's going on in here??" I hear a female voice from the door. She sounded familiar. I turned to see Tommy's mom. Her face was red with fury. She speed walked over to Tommy, making me slide closer to him."Answer me!" She yelled. Tommy flinched a little but he stood his ground. "I'm leaving." She went to slap him but he raised his hand quicker, defending himself with his forearm. Damn, that boy has amazing reflexes.

Richard was sitting on the floor, rubbing his head. "That fag and his fuck buddy tried to beat me up." Tommy's mom glared at him. "Then let him leave. He's just a disgrace and is not allowed to live with us anymore. Let him leave. We'd be better off without him anyway." Tommy laughed another bitter laugh. "Terrence."

Terrence came from behind Tommy's dresser, trying to shield his face with his ginger hair. "Bag?" He asks. Tommy nodded. Terrence grabbed a sports bag from behind him and threw it towards us. I caught it, taking the straps in my hand. "I'm leaving for the week. He can't have a say in it and you can just cower in the corner. Goodnight and goodbye." With that, Tommy pushed his mom from the door, me following like a lost puppy. Except, I know exactly what's going on.

Before I left, I heard a whimper. I wanted to turn around but I knew that Tommy wanted to leave. But instead, he stopped. Fuck. He cursed. He turned around, heading back to the room. "Terrence, pack up."

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