Losing You

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Sorry for the short chapter! Cx but I'll make the next one longer.. <3

Adam Lambert- Sleepwalker
Eiffel 65- Lucky In My Life
Eiffel 65- Losing You


Tommy's P.O.V:

I smile and feel the heat rise up my neck and to my cheeks. "What is this place?" He smiled. "My parents took me here on my 16th birthday. I've been coming here ever since and I wanted to bring someone special to share it with." He grins at me, flashing his pearly whites.

I grabbed his waist with my small hands and pulled him close, kissing him while hearing the sound of crashing waves and the wind blowing through my ears. No moment could ever be more perfect.


Adams P.O.V:

"Tommy, you don't have to. Just stay with me, you don't have to go. Please, stay." I begged, almost in tears. My heart ached and my head hurt. I felt as if someone was shoving sand in my throat, making it hurt. Tommy just looked at me angrily. "Talk all  you want, Adam. I'm not changing my damn mind. You messed up big time and I'm not taking it anymore."

Salty tears run from my eyes, the liquid running down my cheeks and making me cold. My heart was ripped out of my chest, stomach churning. "Tommy, I'm sorry, it'll never happen again, I swear I'm sorry." Tommy shook his head and had a disgusted look on his face.

"Just shut up, Adam. You've said it so many times that I can't believe you anymore. I wonder what else you've lied about." No, this can't be happening. I felt so guilty. He packed up what little he had in his backpack and turned around.

"Tommy, please... I'm sorry. You mean so much to me and I can't live without you." He looked at me one last time.

"Then I guess you're just gonna have to die." He slammed the door. I'm such a screw up. I start to sob, thinking I was just useless.




I snap open my eyes, overjoyed that it was only a dream. I started to think about Tommy and losing him. What would I do if I did? "Adam, are you okay? What's wrong?" I take him into an embrace, enjoying his warmth and scent.

"Nothing, I... I just had a bad dream, that's all." I keep holding onto him, scared that if I let him go, he might disappear into nothing and he would be gone. He let me go though. "Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. I don't want the thought of him leaving entering my mind again and stripping me away of my will of trying, thinking he's going to leave me anyway.

"You sure, baby?" I start rubbing small circles at the bottom of his back to calm myself down. I nod. He nods too, starting to get up. "No, wait. Please, stay?" Tommy cocks his head, looking at our locked hands.

"Like in your bed?" He asks. I nod. I just wanted to feel safe. Whenever I'm with him, I feel as if nothing could touch me. He keeps me grounded. He starts to head towards my bed again, fixing his shirt.

I scoot over, making room for him to lay. He climbs on the bed, reluctantly pulling the covers up to our torsos. He snuggles into my chest, his warmth reaching me and engulfing me to into its arms. He puts an arm on my bare hip and a hand on the center of my chest, his warm breath hitting me every time he breathed.

I protectively wrap my arm at the small of his back, pulling him more. "Are you sure you're alright, Adam?" He whispers. I nod. "I'm sure, baby. Just go to sleep." He snuggles closer, his soft hair tickling my skin.

His breaths slow as he falls asleep, his hand still on my hip. "I love you, Tommy." I whisper, hoping he was actually asleep.

Tommy's P.O.V:

I love you too, Adam.

discont.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora