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Sorry for all the delay guys :( I know, I'm a shit updater but I've just been really busy and I had no time to write or think. Uh... I love you ❤

3TD- Get Out Alive
Adam Lambert- Never Close Our Eyes
Three Days Grace- Riot


Adams P.O.V:

Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late
It's not too late
It's never too late...

"Thank you so much, Adam." He says softly. "I really needed that." I smile at him. Anything for you, baby. I have most of the lyrics. I think we're good." He smiles. "Thank you. I just can't say it enough."

"Its no problem, kitten. I'll do anything for you."


November 1st, 2015 (Yeah, that was last year but whatever >.<)

Tommy's P.O.V:

Adam pulled up in front of the school. "I'm so nervous... What if he says no?" I bounce my knee up and down, running my fingers through my hair. "Hey, enough with the what if's. I'll do everything I can to make sure he says yes." He smiles and kisses me softly. "Promise?"

"Promise." I nod. "Well... What are we waiting for?" I say nervously. Prom was going to be tomorrow and we were going to ask the principal to let us go to prom. We didn't think that it was a good idea to sneak in.

We walk in the school, students flustered and pushing each other out of the way to get to class. One guy bumped my shoulder, saying, "Move." I chuckled. I just found it kind of funny.

We reached the principal's office as I start to feel a little more nervous. There's still a lot of "what if"s. I push them out of my mind though. Adam knocks on the door, taking a breath. "Come in." The principal's voice booms through the door.

Adam and I walk in. I keep my head down. I don't want my anxiety to act up too much. Principal Schneider looks up from his papers. "What are you doing here? You're suspended so you're not supposed to be on school grounds." Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"Um.. We actually came here to compromise. We don't want to miss our senior prom so... We want to make a deal, I guess." Adam rambles. Even he's nervous. From the looks of it, it doesn't happen much. The principal raises an eyebrow. "Why am I supposed to trust you two?"

"You don't have to. We just want to go to prom. Do you think we can agree on something?" I ask timidly, fiddling with my fingers. It was silent for a moment which was really scaring me.

"I may have something..." Principal Schneider starts, looking through his papers. "So, originally, you are supposed to earn 24 credits to graduate, correct?" Adam and I nod. "Well, I'm raising it to 32 credits. I will let you go to prom only if you reach 32 credits. If not, you don't graduate." 8 more credits... It couldn't be that bad right?

"We'll do it." Adam says. I look up to Mr. Schneider to see him slightly smirking. "You both are still suspended for now. You can come to prom though." I celebrated mentally while Adam smiles. "Thank you, Mr. Schneider. We won't let you down."

"That's great. Now get out of my office." He shoos us and we exit through the main doors, the tension quickly fading. "Well, the wasn't as bad as I thought it would turn out."

"It wasn't... So what are we going to do with the rest of our day?" I asked. He pulled me close and put his lips by my ear. "Shopping." He whispered. I laughed. "Get in the damn car." He says excitedly.

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