Fight for You, Always

548 33 13

Fall Out Boy- Thanks for the Memories
Carrie Underwood- Blown Away
Adam Lambert- Cuckoo


Tommy's P.O.V:

"Baby Boy, you have nothing to worry about. Don't apologize." I let the words slip my lips. I freeze up as he looks at me. "Baby Boy?" He asks. I stutter. I don't even...

I raise my hand. "May I use the bathroom?" I ask shakily. Ms. Evans rolls her eyes and nods. I get up from my seat and out the door. But not before seeing the flash of hurt spread across Adams beautiful features.


Tommy's P.O.V:

I burst open the door of the bathroom and stand infront of the mirror. I put my hands on the sink and dip my head. I can't stop thinking of my dad. I hate my step-dad. I hate my mom. I hate my siblings, excluding Lisa. I hate my life. I hate myself.





I can't help but think. The voices in my head try to dominate each other, making me dizzy. "Stop..." I mumble.




"Stop!" I yelled not caring that I was in a public bathroom. I took a deep breath in, trying to block out the loudest voice in my head.


I look at my shaky hands and turn my head to the door when it opens. I wipe away the tears that I never noticed fell. I heard the familiar footsteps and I froze in place, not knowing what to do. Then, several other footsteps.

"Hey, Gaylord. What are you doing in here, jacking off?" Jacob and his clique smirked and laughed at me. I was honestly too pissed, upset, and tired to be scared. "But you would've loved to watch, wouldn't you?" I say, raising a teasing eyebrow, smirking. He glares at me with a red face, eyebrows arched.

"Hold him, boys." He says. I was suddenly pushed back. My back hits the wall harshly and I moan in pain. I was pinned to the wall by two of his other bitches and saw his fist go at full speed for my stomach. I put my knee up, preventing him from punching me.

His fist collided with my knee and he yelped out in pain. I almost did too but I can't show weakness. I smirked at my small victory. He shook his hand, trying to rid of the pain. "You're gonna pay for that." He growled.

He tries to punch me again. My knee is throbbing and I feel like there's no need to fight back. So this time, I let him. I let out a groan as I felt him hit me. I let another groan escape my lips. "A-Adam..." I beg.

He stops punching me. "That the name of your stupid boyfriend?" I kick his shin. Even if Adam isn't my boyfriend, I can't not defend him. Jacob got up and punched me again.

"Stupid bitch." I stay quiet this time. I'm not offended. I just don't wanna give in to his ignorance. Stupid homophobe. He threw me to the ground and him & his group started kicking me. I moan in pain, holding out my hands to defend myself. I felt a painful wave wash over my chest.

I suddenly couldn't breathe. This is the worst beating they've given me. Usually I would just wear makeup to cover up any bruises. "Adam..." I start. I try to take a shaky breath.

"...Help me."

Adams P.O.V:

I frown. I probably shouldn't have questioned Tommy. He hasn't come back in a while. I become worried. What if he's hurting himself? What if someone's hurting him? I raise my hand to try to get Ms. Evan's attention. "What?" She snaps.

I was used to her snapping. I don't think Tommy is though. He was pretty upset when she rolled her eyes at him. Homophobe. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask. She smirks.

"To go jerk off with that other fag? Go ahead." I sent her a disgusted look and went up to her face. "You can talk to me like that all you want. Leave him out of it." She rolled her eyes again and shook me off.

I stormed out of the classroom, running down the hallways. "Adam..." I hear muffled in the bathroom. I bust through the door. I froze. I was angry. I was beyond angry. Jacob and his friends turn to me. They smile as they hold down a very pale, bloody, and bruised Tommy.

"Gay people can't fight, boys. We have nothing to worry about." They gather up and walked towards me. What they don't know is that I'm a black belt in karate. They're so stupid. I got in a fighting position.

They laughed. God, I need to get to Tommy. "Hang on, Tommy, please." I whisper. There were 5 of them and one of me. It was going to be complex. But I think I can do this.


Hey guys! Sorry if its short xc I'll try to update again today or make next weeks chapter longer c: anyway, hope you're enjoying the story and I will update next week! LOVE YOU!!!!

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