Focus Pt. 1

396 26 11

The Fray- How To Save A Life
Maroon 5- She Will Be Loved
Queen- Another One Bites The Dust


Adam's P.O.V:

"Hold on everyone, I have one more thing to say." I say into the microphone. I turn to Tommy, grabbing his hand with my free one.

"Tommy, ever since I saw you, I thought you were beautiful. And you still are and always will be. I can't let a special person like you slip from my grasp. So.. What I'm trying to say is.. Will you be my boyfriend?"


Adams P.O.V:

I bit my bottom lip, waiting in anticipation for his answer. "Adam, I..." He starts. Then the corners of his mouth tug up to form a smile. "Yes."

I smile and take him in my arms, lifting him a little. "Yay!" I yell out. The crowd claps and smiles at us too. There were some unhappy faces but I think we can manage.

Tommy giggles, turning a rosy red. My eyes were closed, just inhaling his scent. It was a mix of vanilla and cherry.


I felt the wetness of an egg pour onto my back and down. I pull back, trying to wipe the egg from the back of my shirt. "Who threw tha--" Another one was thrown at me, this time, at the dead center of my chest.

I looked at the back of the auditorium. Jacob, with his group, had multiple eggs in their hands, preparing to throw them.

The front of Tommys shirt is cloaked in egg, his hair wet and sticky. He doesn't even look scared. Or afraid. He looks angry. Livid. Provoked and turbulent.

He storms off the stage, fuming tears running down his tinted cheeks. "Tommy wait!" I run off the stage too, following him. I found him in the bathroom, sitting by the sinks, on the floor.

I sit next to him, hugging him. Instead of pushing me away like last time, he leaned into my shoulder, letting himself rest on me. "I'm tired." He says, exhausted.

"Of what, baby?" I asked, rubbing his shoulder.

"Of hiding. Of giving in. I want to fight for myself against Jacob because I am who I am and I'm proud. I'm tired of cowering down and letting him push me to my limits. I'm just done. I don't want to bow down to him or be afraid every time I see him. He's just a monotonous nightmare that I can't seem to get over. I don't want to be bullied anymore. I can't let him land another punch or slap or kick on me... Can.. Can you teach me martial arts?" He looks at me with those big hazel eyes. I couldn't say no. Although I was stunned by his request, I gave in.

"Of course, baby. When do you want to start?" I look at him, admiring him as he gives an adorable thinking face. "Can we start after school?"

I nod. "Cmon. We have to get to class. Just two more hours and we can go home, alright?" I stood up and helped him, hugging him once I got him up.

"You're beautiful. You know that, right?" I mumble. He stayed quiet for a second. I pulled back, cupping his face "Tommy. You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Jacob may put you down but my love can be your armor in this battlefield around us. We can get through this together."

He nods, my hands still on his porcelain face. I interlaced his fingers with mine and look at him. His soft blond hair, curly and covering his eye.

When we got to the hallways, he let go of my hand, feeling self conscious about himself. People are gonna tease me. I want to hold his hand but I don't want to be called names... But then again, I already am.

He quietly put his hand in mine again and we walked to his locker first, getting his stuff for English class. Call me a nerd or a loser, but I think English and Algebra is pretty fun.. Yup, judge me, I dare ya. I grabbed my books for Science.

I walked Tommy to class, people giving us looks. We stopped by the front door of our English class. "I'll see you in Algebra, alright?" He nods, hugging me lightly. "It's gonna be so lonely." He mumbles. "Yeah, I know. But we just have this class and Algebra. After that, we are out. I'll see you in a bit." I kiss his forehead and caress his face before leaving.


Another spitball hit me on the back of my head as I try to focus on the equation that Mr. Odinson had given us.

2x+3y= 6x-8y

Solve the following equation. Seems easy. I wipe the spitball from my head and focus.

Focus. I tell myself.

2x+3y= 6x-8y
-3y -3y

2x= 6x-11y
X= 3x-(11/3)

See? Easy. "I wonder if its too late to beat the fagginess out of him." I heard from behind me. I growled under my breath. I looked at Tommy and tried not to pay attention to the snickering behind me.

"We'll get him good like we got his faggot boyfriend." I clentched and unclenched my fists. Tommy just looked at me with determined eyes. Focus, Adam. Just focus on me. Don't say a word.

"His dad is probably gay too." I stare at Tommy's eyes, trying to focus on them. I'm better than this. I'm not going to say anything. As much as I want to, I just stay silent. What good is it gonna do? As much as I wanted to punch Jacob in the throat, I just stared. I didn't want to make our situation worse. We're already outcasts. I don't want to make us troublemakers too.

"Just focus, Adam."

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