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Tommy Joe Ratliff- Silence or Screams
Fall Out Boy- Uma Thurman
Adam Lambert- Mad World


"I heard what happened downstairs..." He whispers. I put a hand on my throbbing head. "Ugh sorry."

"You don't need to be. Are you okay?" I looked at him. "Honestly, no. It just wasn't right of them to do that." He pats the spot next to me and lays back down. I lay next to him, placing his head on my chest.

"I'm exhausted." I told him.

"Let's just lay here then. No talking. No thinking. Just silence."


Tommy's P.O.V:

Today was completely disastrous. Let me clarify.

Adam took me to see Nina first.


"Just look for someone that looks like the female and ginger version of me." He says, staying by me as we entered the school. Yeah, like that's gonna be easy.

"Watch it, bub, I heard that." He says in a warning tone. I giggle, linking my small arm with his more muscular one.

Then I saw her. She was about 5'6, had thin but thick eyebrows, her skin color pale and her eyes big. Not obnoxiously big. It was adorable, actually. "You see her?" Adam pointed out. I nodded and just kept staring at her. "Told you." Adam nudged and smirked. She looked almost exactly like him.

"Well, are you going to introduce me or not?" I turn to him, looking up to meet his eyes. He got reddish on his neck and on his face. "Yeah, sorry."

He took my hand and we walked over to Nina. I was kind of afraid of what she might say. She could be homophobic for all I know. "Stop worrying, love." Adam reassures, rubbing his thumb across my hand.

We were about 5 feet away from her when Adam called out for her. "Hey, Nina!" She turns around, smiling, happy to see her twin brother. "Hey, Adam. What's up?"

"Well, I wanted you to meet my boyfriend, Tommy." I put out my hand to shake hers but instead, she smiles and pulled me into a hug. "I don't do formal." She simply says before releasing me. I giggle. "Nina, by the way." She smiles at me again and Adam speaks. "Wow, on good terms already. Yay, happiness."

Something... Just something in my gut tells me that that isn't going to last long.


Adam and I stood by our lockers, taking out our sketch pads and specialized pencils. We had Drawing and Painting class after our first classes. "You excited for prom this week?" I asked him, still waiting on the moment he would ask me to prom. He smiles at me. "Actually..."

He closes his locker and looks down at me, grabbing my hands. He gets down on his knee, still grabbing my hands in his. I smile and giggle. He pulls out a single daisy from an outer pocket of his book bag. "Tommy Joe Ratliff.. Will you go to prom with me?" I giggle again, accepting the daisy. "Yes, I will." He gets up, hugging my waist. He smiles and kisses me while I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Awww." I hear behind me. I look to see Rose and Ashley holding up their phones to us. I felt the heat creep up my neck. I don't mind though. It was a good feeling.

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