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Sorry its a little late.. Writers block. So um... This is a drawing that I did and I just wanted to share it cx. It might look really bad and might even scare some of you but... Whatever, I tried lol.

Three Days Grace- Animal I Have Become
Three Days Grace- The Chain
Adam Lambert- The Light


Tommy's P.O.V:

He crawled next to me and lays his head on my chest. I play with his black hair and sigh. "What you said earlier... Did you really mean it?" He asks in a small voice.

I've never seen Adam like this. So vulnerable and small. Its cute. "Absolutely, Babyboy." I kiss his forehead. I don't know how, but we knocked out. I guess today wasn't a complete disaster.


Adams P.O.V:

It's Halloween and I'm sat here with Tommy, getting lectured by my mom about fighting. "It's dangerous and you could've gotten seriously hurt!" She exclaimed. "But mom, he was bullying us. I couldn't just let him to that. Didn't you teach me to stand up for myself whenever someone picked on me?" I objected. "Yeah, stand up for yourself, not punch someone in the face!"

I rolled my eyes. She looked so mad. But I didn't understand. I was defending myself and someone I love. Why was she getting so upset? "But I defended myself and my boyfriend. He hurt Tommy, how was I supposed to let Jacob hurt him?"

Tommy sat silently, a frown upon his face. He felt awkward. I can just feel the vibe. Adam, maybe I should go...

No, please stay. I can't do this alone.

"Then maybe he should leave. He is a bad influence on you." My heart sank. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He makes me happy, do you really want to take away what makes me happy? I love him, mom."

"Adam, you're too young to know what love is." She sighed and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Mom, first you hide things from me and now you're forcing people away from me? You can't control me like this anymore."

"I'm only trying to protect you." She sighs again. "Tommy, I'm sorry, but you're just no good for him. Pack your things. I don't want you around my son anymore."

She got up and started to walk away. "Mom, listen to me! He can't go back to that god forsaken house." My eyes started to burn and I felt myself crumbling. Tommy stays on the couch, breathing hard and tears streaming down his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Mom asked. Panic Attack. "Panic attack." I muttered. I rush to his side and grab his face in my hands. "Tommy-- Tommy, you have to listen to me. Breathe." He shakes his head, unable to speak.

"Shh, hey, just follow my breathing." I placed his hand on my chest and took slow, deep breaths. Tears still flowed down his face, his skin pale.

"You're gonna l-leave me." He sobbed. He hugged me tight. "No baby, I'm not going to leave you. Ever. Now breathe." I wrap my arms around him and rub his back with one hand.

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