Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Ceciley Butler. Today is my last day here in San Francisco, I am making the move to London. Cheshire to be exact. My mom got a job promotion and she decided it would be a good idea to take it and run. My parents got a divorce when I was little, and My dad left me behind, so I don't really remember a lot about him. Oh well, his loss.

My dream was always to leave America the day I turned eighteen and move away somewhere in Europe, now I get a head start. I'm fifteen but a very mature fifteen year old, having to grow up fast, taking care of the household while my mother is out to work most hours of the day seven days a week, anything to help out my mom. I like to think of myself as an adult, and not a bratty teen.

I have just finished packing everything in my room, now I am just taking one last look at this house before its time to leave. Saying one last goodbye.  "Ceciley hurry up we're going to miss our flight" I heard my mom yell from down stairs.

"I'm coming mom" I yelled back so she could hear, I grabbed my bag and turned the light out behind me, closing the door from my old life, not quite sure if I am ready to open the new door just yet.

I ran down the stairs, my mom was standing by the door waiting for me.

"Ready" She asked. handing me my favorite hoodie.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess" I said taking it from her.

"You'll be fine" She said.

I didn't respond, I just smiled. I walked out the door, followed by my mom. She closed the door and we made our way to the car. "Buckle up" My mom said turning on the car.

my mom started driving away from the house, 'Good bye San Francisco, Look out Cheshire' I thought to my self.

On the way to the airport, I put in my head phones and put my iPod on shuffle, "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons came on. I love this song. Not long after, we were at the airport, going through security and waiting for our flight. I was looking out the window of the plane, watching the ground below me as I was flying to my new life.

*** *** ***


I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock, I don't want to get up and go to the first day of school. I have never been known as the new girl, now I'm the new American girl, great.

"Ceciley wake up" My mom opened the door and yelled.

I got out of bed dragging my feet to the bathroom, I turned the light on squinting my eyes more getting use to the light. I looked at my self in the mirror, I look like a street hooker, make up smeared all over my face. I got a wash cloth and ran it under hot water, wiping the make up from the night before from my face.

Now that I have a fresh face, I started with foundation, a little powder on my forehead and chin so I don't get shiny through out the day, a thin line of eyeliner on the upper lash line, I curled my lashes applying a good coat of mascara.

I grabbed my curling wand plugging it up, once it was hot I curled my long brown hair, in loose beach waves. Once I was done I got my new uniform from the closet that my mom ordered before we got here. I really don't mind this whole uniform thing, it makes getting ready a lot easier. It is a white button up shirt, with a black blazer, and a red and black plaid skirt. Tights are optional, of course I am not going to be wearing those. I put on my white converse.

I was ready and going downstairs to tell my mom I am ready to leave.

"Don't you look nice in a school uniform" My mom said.

"Thanks, I thought this uniform was going to be a pain in the --" I was interrupted.

"Neck" My mom said, I just laughed and nodded.

"come on lets get you to school" She said and we walked out to the car.

We arrived at a huge school, my old school is nothing compared to this school. I looked over to my mom with wide eyes. "Wow" I said.

"Its going to be fine Ceciley" she said.

"I Know mom, see you when I get home" I said and got out of the car. Fingers crossed it isn't hard to make any friends.

A/N: Sorry it so short, they all wont be like this, Besides it's only the first chapter. I hope you like this story. I am so excited to be writing this finally, I have been working on getting it up for so long now.

We'll meet Cecileys Friends and Mr.Styles next Chapter!!!

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now