Chapter 32

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A/N: I know its been a long time, well it feels like it to me anyway. But I'm back. last month I had some medical problems. I couldnt really get out of bed for a while, which was really miserable because I was so, so bored. Plus it was the week of EOC's at school so I had to go push through a couple of those so I could pass the eleventh grade. Which I did. Anyway, I am better now and back here to write. This is also coming to the end of this book, and I have decided on no sequal, I was thinking about it but I just want to focus on my newest story "Just A Memory" you guys should check it out!! So there will only be a few more chapters left in this book.. So yeah. It's been real writing this book, I loved it, and hopefully you guys do too!! 

3 months later. 

All i can here is Kamri crying, the T.V is on but her screams cover the noise from the T.V. Harry is at work and I am home taking care of Kamri all alone. 

Thank goodness Harry gets off in about 10 minutes, becasue he is the only one that can seem to calm her down when she gets like this. Which doesnt happen often, but when she does get like this I cant seem to het to calm down, but as soon as I hand her over to Harry she seems to calm down. 

"Shhhh, Baby. daddy will be here in just a few minutes. just please com down for mommy please" 

I said holding her close to my chest rocking her softy, trying to do as Harry would do but i guess I'm not good enough because she isn't getting any calmer.

"Kamri, come on now, what is wrong wth you, please stop crying" I said getting a little angry now, because I've been dealing with this for hours now. 

I am always waiting for Harry to come home, but when she acts like this I am even more excited for him to come home.

I hear the door open and close and keys on the kitchen table. I turn to see Harry enter the living room where i am trying to calm our baby.

"Whats wrong with her" He asks reaching his arms out to take the crying baby.

"you know how she gets Harry, she just started crying" I said watching him rock the baby in his arms.

"She has been doing it alot this week, she usually isn't like this. a few nights this week when I got home from work she has been crying like this"

Now that Harry has said that, I have noticed the pattern this week.

"Your right. I havent really noticed it but she has"

"yeah, do you think she is getting sick" He asked looking away from her to look at me.

"I dont know, should I call the doctor" I asked, confussed why wholdnt I notice if she was getting sick.

"Thats probably a good idea, I'm going to take her into our room and try and get her to go to sleep" I nodded and went to grab my phone and dialed the doctors number.

"Hello" The doctor answered the phone.

"Hi, its Ceciley. I am calling to ask you a question about Kamri" I say. "for the past few days, Kamri has just screamed and cried for hours and hours. So Harry and I think maybe she's getting sick, so i dont know what you wanted us to do, if you think we need to bring her in for a doctors appointment or what"

"Are there certian times in the day she starts, and what do you do to get her to stop" she asks.

"She starts after she has breakfast and wakes up from her nap, and the only thing to get her to stop is Harry, after he gets home from work, he hold her and after about a half hour she calms down and is calm for the rest of the night."

"and she's only three month right?" She asked.

"Yeah, three months last week"

"I dont think she is getting sick, does she still sleep all day like she use to when she was first born?"

"No, she is awake for most of the day, she naps after breakfast and wake up and is awake from about one in the afternoon to about four and then naps again and then wakes about five-thirty and doesnt go back to bed until about eight"

"and she just started this recently?"

"Yeah, I mean she did it a few times bofore, but it didnt become a regular thing until about a week ago"

"Sounds to me like, she has separation anxiety, she just misses Harry though out the day, you said he's the only thing that can calm her down andkeep her quiet. I'm not saying she gets scared when he isnt around, but she definetley misses him and when he is arond she feels safer, a lot of babys feel that when mom goes back to work after beeing with baby for six weeks. Its normal, she is a perfectly normal baby. so I wouldnt worry about it, it will pass after time, she will get use to him being gone during the day"

"Ok, thank you so much" I said.

"You are very welcome" She said. we both hung up, I sat my phone on the counter and turned to walk to our room. I cold still hear faint cried coming from the room, but nothing like they were today.

I walked in and saw Harry holding her, rocking her side to side kissing her forehead. I can tell she is exausted from crying all day.

"Shes going to sleep" I whispered walking over to be beside Harry. Henodded his head, looking down at her as her eyes were fluttering.

Once we both knew she was asleep and wasnt going to wake for about an hour Harry laid her down on her back and put pillows on either side of her so she sould fall, even though she is to young to roll he wanted to be better safe than sorry.

We left the door ajar and walked out to the living room.

"The doctor said she isnt sick"

"what did she say was wrong with her"

"She has sepertion anxiety, basically she just misses you when your gone"

"Really" He asked.

"Yes really, she said it was common for babies to miss mom when mommy goes back to work after being attached at the hip for six weeks, but since I stay home and you leave, she misses you. The doctor said she feels safer when your here"

"Awe, poor baby. Now I feel bad"

"You shold for making her cry liek that" I said joking with him. "The doctor also say it should pass after about a week"

"Thats good" He said.

"Yeah" I agreed watching him set down on the couch.

"Come here baby" he said.

"what" I asked walking towards him.

"I am having sepereation anxiety from you, I need you now" He said grabbing my wrist bring me down to set on his lap.

"Oh poor baby" I said wrapping my arms around is neck and kissed his cheek.

"I'm serious, I missed you today" He said tightening his grip around my waist.

"I missed you too" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" hea said placing his lips on mine. Moving my lips along with his for a few seconds.

"I love you too" I said pecking him one last time, and we sat there for a while in silence.

*** *** ***

Harry's P.O.V

"Ceciley" I said her name but no answer, I looked down and seen that she was asleep in my arms.

I picked her up and layed her on the couch and covered her with a blanket that was folded at the end of the couch.

I can tell that she is worn out from taking care of our screaming baby girl today.

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