Chapter 22

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The ringing of Harry's alarm woke me but I noticed he wasn't there when I went to tap him to wake him up. I leaned over and turned it off. I got off the bed grabbing the blanket wrapping it around me as I walk though the hall to go find Harry. As I walk pas the bathroom door I hear water running and singing. He must be taking a shower.

I was down to the couch still wrapped in the blanket. I lay on the couch not bothering I turn the TV I just lay there waiting for Harry to finish showering.

"Ceciley what are you doing up" Harry's asked, startling me as I was starting the drift back to sleep.

"Your alarm went off, and you weren't there" I said sitting up.

"Sorry, I woke up early. And I decided I should stay home and take you to the doctor. Then I decided to shower. I forgot the alarm was set" he said adjusting the towel wrapped around his waist.

"It's ok, I need a shower too before I go to the doctor" I said. And walked over to him giving him a good morning kiss on the cheek. It sucks that I'm sick because I can kiss him like I usually would.

"Why are you wearing my duvet" he asked.

"I'm cold" I said resting my head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

"Sorry babe" he said. I lifted my head from his shoulder. And looked at his torso.

"I wish I wasn't sick" I said tracing shapes on his chest as his arms is still draped around my waist.

"Me either babe" he said and kissed my forehead. "That's why your going to the doctor today to make you better" he said. Just the thought of doctors make me cringe.

"Speaking of being sick" I said dropping the blanket and pulling Harry arms off, I ran to the toilet.

"I wish I knew what was making you sick" Harry was at my side rubbing my back gently as I got sick into the toilet.

I wiped my mouth and looked at Harry with tears appearing in my eyes. I was starting to worry about what might be wrong with me.

"Don't cry baby" he said pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I just am scared"

"I know you are" he whispered.

I stopped crying and pulled away from Harry.

"Ok, I'm going to shower. Then I need to get ready to leave" I said standing up from the ground.

*** *** ***

Once I was out of the shower I wrapped in a towel and walked into Harry's room and got out my makeup bag from his dresser. I winked at him and walked back to the bathroom. Hoping he would follow.

I entered the bathroom and looked in the the mirror seeing Harry follow behind me.

"Feeling better" he asked.

"A little" I said looking at him in the mirror.

"Good" he smiled looking at me as I applied my make up.

"Why do you put yourself through that everyday" he asked laughing as I put on my mascara.

"It makes my eyelashes look longer" I finished my make up, I didn't do much a little powder and mascara just to look fresh and add the color back to my face.

I took my hair down from the towel and ran my fingers through it, letting it dry in its natural curls.

I walk back to his room grabbing some clothes and getting the rest of the way ready.

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now