Chapter 17

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Harry said he was ok with me telling my mom I just hope she doesn't go ape shit when I tell her. I'm not worried about telling Carson, maybe I should be but I'm not. I feel like She'd be able to keep a secret. Well at least I hope she is. I hope Liam is too, I know when I tell her he'll be there.

I decide to text Harry and make sure he's ok before I tell Carson tomorrow.

To Harry: are you sure you're fine with telling people about us.

I send it and wait for his response.

From Harry: of course, as long as you're ok with it.

To Harry: ok, I think tomorrow I'll tell Carson and Liam.

From Harry: when are you going to tell your mom?

To Harry: probably tomorrow night. I was hoping you'd be ok with me telling everyone alone... I don't know if you should be around for their reactions. Especially my mothers.

From Harry: no, I understand. It's fine, I don't really think I want to hear their reactions either.

To Harry: thanks, I'm going to sleep now! Love you!!

From Harry: I love you baby, sweet dreams!!!

I decided not to text him back. I sat my phone in the night stand and thought about how tomorrow might go. I really hope my mom doesn't have a damn cow when I tell her.

*** *** ***

I woke up feeling a little nervous about what everyone might think. I just shake them off telling myself they'll think my relationship with Harry is cute.

My hair is starting to gat curly since it was straight yesterday but you can still tell it was straightened before. I decide to just pull it up in a high ponytail. I put a shimmery eyeshadow on my lids and a darker one in my crease. I draw a thin line of eyeliner on my top lash line winging it out just a little. I brush the darker color shadow on my bottom lash line. I curled my lashes and applied a coat of mascara.  

I decided I'd wear a little more makeup than usual today.

I went to my room and grabbed my uniform and put the skirt on and my white button up shirt. I put my tie on. In put my sweater on over and added a plaid bow on my hair that matched my skirt. I pulled on my knee socks and slipped in my red converse. I looked in my mirror and liked the way I looked.

I walked down stairs and met my mom in the kitchen like every other morning.

"Well aren't you looking extra cute this morning" she said. I just shook my head and smiled.

"Are you dressing up for Harry" She asked.

"no, cant I just dress up because I want too" I asked.

"Sure you can" She said.

"Bye mom" I said deciding i didn't want to eat, since my stomach kind of hurts already because of my nerves.

I got to school earlier, Carson wasn't here yet, she is like one of the first students to arrive at school every morning. I know nerves got the best of me, I knew that when I woke up and hour early. I guess now I wait.

I saw Harrys car in the parking lot I guess I could go find him, I hope he's in his class.

I walked in he was at his desk. Thank god.

"Hey babe, your here really early" He smiled as I walked in the room.

"I'm real nervous, Harry what if I cause you your job, Oh my god Harry, You could go to jail, I cant do that to you, I don't think we should tell people....."

"Ceciley" He stopped me mid sentence.

I shut up and looked at him.

"Don't worry about that, we can't hid our relationship forever, they'll find out sooner or later. And if we don't tell them, who knows what will happen if we aren't honest with them. It's better to tell them now ourselves instead of them finding out through the grape vine, If I'm not worried about jail or losing my job, You should either"

I nodded as he pulled me in to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I am glad that soon we wont be hiding this, we at least we can hang out with other people when we're together.

I pull away just a little. He leans down and kisses me. He pulls away sooner than I want him too but I let him.

"I'm gonna go find Carson, Get the easy part over with" I smiled and pulled away from his grip.

"Ok, Good luck" He says.

"See ya in sixth period" I say and walk toward the door.

"Oh and Ceciley" I stopped and turned to look at him.

"You are looking extra sexy today in that uniform" He says with a little wink.

I shook my head and smiled at him, i turned back and walked out, I heard him faintly giggle as the door was closing.

I walked toward Carson's locker and she was finally there with Liam.

"Hey" I said and she turned to look at me.

"Hey Ceciley" She smiled.

"Can we talk" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Is everything ok" She asked walked towards a bench in the hall with me.

"Yeah, everything is great, there is just something I feel like you and Liam should know" I say.

"ok, well tell us" She says.

"Umm, Well the reason I haven't been hanging out with you on the weekend isn't because I was busy with my mom, I, I um. I have a boyfriend.."

"That's it, you don't have to feel bad for hanging out with your boyfriend" She said.

"Well, that's not it, Um. My boyfriend is, Um. Well its.. Mr. Styles" I say quietly as I can.

"Please, Carson. I need you and Liam to keep this a secret. Please can you do that. You cant mention it to anyone. If you do you'll get him fired and in jail. Please can I trust you as my best friend to keep this a secret and just be happy for me" I plead her.

"Ceciley, I am happy for you, you think I cant tell the way he looks at you in class, the way you look at him, yesterday I knew just how jealous you were when those slutty girls were all over him. Liam and I both were just talking the other day and we said you guys had something together, but we just didn't know you guys were already together You are secret safe with us" she said, and I am really glad to hear the words she is saying.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I say. "And thank you Liam, I know what you have said when Carson has mentioned how cute teachers are, I thought you would find this disgusting, and you have no idea how glad i am to hear your ok with this"

"As long as you are both in love and he doesn't try and hurt you ever, I have no problem with one of my best friends and English teacher dating" He says, I am glad to hear they are so supportive.

A/N: You just have to wait and see ceciley's moms reaction!!!

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now