Chapter 26

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"I told my mom" I said to Carson.

"What did she say" She asked.

"Lets just say she wasn't happy at all" I said.

"I'm sorry Ceciley" Se said setting up in her chair.

"We also sort of got in an argument about it, She told me to leave, which I've basically moved in with Harry already, but we hadn't really established it, we were going to tell her that, but she beat us to it looks like. She called the baby a disgrace. She said she never wants to see me or the baby, ever. She said we mean absolutely nothing to her. So yeah I basically have no family. My dad ran out on us. Harry and the baby are my only family" I said, it makes me sad thinking back and talking about what happened with my mother, yet its like a relief here lately she's only brought me sadness.

"I am so sorry she said that, I thought you and your mother had a good relationship" Carson asked.

"we did, or at least I thought we did. Shortly after my dad ran off, we moved here, for San Francisco. She then started staying at work late, not coming home until I had already gone to bed, she'd leave as soon as I got up for school. I would barley see her, I started soccer, she only mad a few of the games, now I cant play so I know she wont be back. She found out about harry and I and then things just went way down hill from there. I don't want to think tis but I do, I think she's upset because I have someone who love s me and the one she thought would love her forever ran out on her. I think she's jealous of my relationship"

"I think your right, Ceciley, I'm sorry she acts like this, I hate seeing my best friend upset" She said.

"It isn't your fault Carson, she's just a bitch" I said and we both laughed.

"Well I'm sorry to cute the visit short, but I have to go Liam and I are going out tonight, but I'll text you later or something" She said getting up from the chair.

"alright , thanks Carson. Its always nice to see you outside of school, maybe we can hang out a few times before I have the baby" I said hugging her.

"Bye" She said leaving shutting the door behind her.

"Harry" I yelled walking through the house trying to find him.

"In here babe" He said yelling from his office.

I walked in and saw him on the computer. "Thanks for letting Carson come over" I said walking behind him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ceciley, how many times am I going to have to say this, This is your house too, you don't need my permission to have guests over" He said looking up at me. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Love you" I said, walking around to the front of his desk and sat in the chair.

"Love you too babe"

*** *** ***

I sat there and watched Harry concentrate on the work he was doing on the computer, he is so cute when he is focused. The way his lips are pursed out and his eyes are slightly squinted, as he was reading something on the computer screen.

Now he is finished and standing up from the desk, "What would you like to do on this lovely Saturday evening" He asked walking over to me helping me up from the chair.

"Why don't we go out" I asked.

"Where would you like to go, Dinner, movie, for a walk on the beach. Dinner and a movie, Dinner, movie, and a walk on a beach, you pick"

"How about dinner and a movie" I said looking at him with a smile.

"You got it" he said pecking me on the lips.

I began walking out towards the bedroom, then I realized.

"Harry, what if someone see's us" I said.

"At this point Ceciley, I don't care who see's I am tired of secrets" He said, I smiled at him.

"are you sure" I asked.

He walked up wrapping his arms around my waist, "I'm positive" I leaned up and kissed him.

"Now go get ready" He said smacking my butt as I turned around to go into the bedroom.

*** *** ***

I changed into a nice top I had recently bought from topshop, and some black skinny's with my van's. I didn't apply to much makeup, just enough to brighten up my face.

I walked out into the bathroom where Harry was, "ready" I asked.

"I sure am" He said twirling letting me see his three-sixty look.

"Looking good" I said and laughed.

"You look amazing as well"

"Why thank you" I said.

"where would you like to eat" he asked as we walked out of the bathroom.

"Surprise me" I said.

"Ohh" Was all he said with a wink.

*** *** ***

Dinner was amazing, he took me to a very nice, expensive place, where the food was delicious.

"Harry, you did not have to spend that much money on me, we don't have to go to the movie now, that dinner was enough" I said holding his hand.

"Ceciley will you just be quiet, I don't mind spending money on you, I do it because I love you, you deserve to be spoiled by someone who loves you"

"well, I just feel bad because I'm not spending a fortune on you"

"I don't want you to do that, I don't need you to do that either, I just need you to be you"

"You're so sweet Harry, I love you" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too" he said. "what do you say about that movie now" He asked.

"I'm really not feeling the movie now, I just want to go home and spend time with you"

"you sure" He said

"Yeah, lets go" I said as we walk to the car.

I love just spending time with him, when I see him smiling, and when he tells me he loves me, when were together. I don't mind knowing that he and the baby are the only family I have, even though we aren't married, and we haven't even known each other for that long but I know that at the end of the day their the only two I'll ever really need.

So I'm finally seeing that I don't need my mom, and just now understanding she was only dragging me down because my dad drug her down, she wanted me to be in a low point with her, and I'm thankful I have harry to pull me out, and for that I am thankful.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now