Chapter 15

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Harry was still sleeping beside me. His curls were in his eyes. I propped myself up on my elbow looking at him laying on his back, One arm above his head the other dangled beside him. I pushed the curls back so I could see all of his face. I played with a few of his curls. I smiled to my self. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. I turned to get out of the bed. But I felt s pair of hands grab my waist. Harry pulled me closer to him. "No, Dont leave me" He whispered in my ear, nuzzling his face into my neck. I turned in Harry' s arms looking at him. He opened his eyes. 

"I was going to make you some breakfast" I said. 

"In a minute, I want to cuddle" He said tightening his grip. 

I smiled to myself. I nuzzled my head deeper into Harry's bare chest. He played with a few strands of my hair. "Why do we ever have to leave this spot" He asked. 

"I know, I wish we could just stay here like this forever" I said. 

"Well, whos says we cant atleast do it for a day" He said. 

"I would be down for that, but can we have breakfast first. I'll even bring it to you in bed" I said sweetly. 

"That sounds perfect" he said

"Ok, i'll go get it started what would you like" I asked. 

"how about banana pancakes" He said. Bananas are his favorite fruit. 

"Ok, I'll be right back" I said and leaned in kissing his lips quickly. 

*** *** ***

I mashed up the bananas putting it into the mix. I scooped the pancakes one bye one into the pan. I fliped the in the air. I made a few for him and a few for me. I took them upstairs to his room. He found a movie for us to watch on netflix. 

"Breakfast is served" I said handing him his plate of pancakes"

"Thanks babe" He said taking them from my hand. 

"You welcome"I said joining him in bed. 

We ate our pancakes, which were delicious if I do say so myself. I sat my plate on top of his on his night stand. We got under the cover i rested my head on his chest, which is still bare. He rubbed his hands up and down my bare thigh. I was only wearing his T-Shirt. I started thinking about the time when we could announce our relationship. I am kind of tired of keeping a secret, I want to tell my mom, I want to tell Carson and Liam. If I knew his job and going to jail weren' t on the line, we would tell people, But they are so we can't. 

"When do you think we should tell people" I asked, tilting my head to look at him. 

"Tell people what" He asked. 

"About this, About you and me" I said. 

"I'm ready whe you are" He smiled. 

"Are you sure, I mean this could cost you your job. You could go to jail" I said. 

"As long as your mine in the end then its all worth it" He said., I smiled. I leaned up an kissed him. "I love you" He added. 

"I love you too" I said. 

"So were you thining of telling people" He asked. 

"Only my mom, Carson and Liam, but not yet, still a while" I said, not wanting him to worry. 

*** *** ***

After our conversation and the movie was over we just sat the cuddling have a little small conversation. 

"I think I'm going to have a shower" I said standing up. I grabbed my bag with my clothes and walked into the bathroom setting everything on the counter. 

I walked out looking at Harry, "Would you Like to join me" I asked, hoping he would. 

"I'd love too" He said gettig up from his bed.  

I turned the water on, getting it not to hot, but still not cool at all. It was just perfect. I took Harry's shirt off and stepped in the shower letting the warm water run over my body.  Shortly after Harry came in. I felt his eyes on my body. I smiled at him. I got my hair wet and squeezed some shampoo into my hand getting my hair all soapy. I was scrubbing my hair and a drop of soap go into my eye. 

"OWWW" I cried out. Harry grabbed me bye the waist and pulled me close. I burried my head in his chest. He grabbed a wash cloth and got some clod water on it. He tilted my head up to him and dabbed the rag on my eye. making better. 

"Better" He asked. I nodded my head. I quickly rinsed my hair and washed my body getting out throwing my clothes. on and looking at my eye in the mirror. It was all read and blood shot. 

"You eye better" He asked from behind. 

"Its all blood shot" I said. It still burned a little, but not really bad. 

"I'm sorry, Come here" He said and pulled me to the bed with him. He said down opening his legs letting me set in between them leaning back into his chest. He kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and just felf his lips on my neck and cheek. 

"I wish this weekend wasnt ending so soon" I said, Knowing tomorrow I have to go home and get ready for schook the following week. 

he kissed me again, "Me either" 

I could set there for the rest of time with him, letting him kiss me. Eventually kissing him back. It was like all I'd ever need. 

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now