Chapter 28

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I awoke from my sleep, being this far along just makes everything so uncomfortable. I can't find any position to sleep in. When Harry and I cuddle, it doesn't last very long. I cant stand being that close to him, I just get so uncomfortable, I can't lay on my side I can just feel all the weight going to the side, and if I lay on my back I feel the baby in my ribs. So I have become very familiar to sleepless nights, and when I do get to sleep through the night I am tossing a turning most of the night. I really cant wait until this little one decides to come out.

I get up from the bed, careful not to wake Harry. I grab my extra blanket from the bed and wrap it around my back holding it together in the front. I walk into the living room looking at the clock on the wall seeing that it was three in the morning. I looked out side of the sliding glass doors that go to the deck, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the stars as shining bright, and the moon is so big and bright. 

I slipped my converse on and walked out side leaning against the wooden banister, looking up at the sky, taking it the fresh air, I find that it relaxes me. I start thinking, How will Harry and I take care of the baby. I am only turning sixteen soon, I have no idea how to care for a baby.

I am deep in thought, still wondering how I will care for this baby, will I raise it right. Then I feel arms wrap around my belly and a strong body press against my back, I know its Harry, so I lean my head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Couldn't sleep" He asks. 

I shake my head no, staying silent.

"My poor baby, I'm sorry babe, I wish I could go through this for you" He said kissing me right behind my ear.

"Its ok, it almost over" I said unwrapping his arms from around me, turning around to face him, taking the blanket that was around me, bringing my hands around his neck and wrapping us both in the blanket, Resting my head on his shoulders closing my eyes, listening to his slow breaths. He wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back softly.

"why did you wake up" I asked him, taking my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I moved and felt that you weren't there and decided that if you couldn't sleep then neither could I"

"Harry you have work tomorrow, you need to sleep"

"Ceciley your pregnant, you need sleep" He said, giving me one of his looks.

"Don't look at me like that, I can sleep tomorrow during the day, you cant now go to bed, I will come rub you back" I said taking his hand leading him into the house.

"Oh no you don't, Come here" He said pulling me to the couch with him.

He sat down, insisting that I set beside him. "Sit" he said.

I followed his orders and sat beside him, he wrapped his arm around me pulling me in closer to him. I rested my head on his chest and brought my legs onto the couch and tucked them into my stomach as far as they would go.

"No try and relax" He said playing with my hair, twisting the ends. He began humming a song, I couldn't quite put my finger on which song though. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, so I could make Harry happy.

It slowly began to work I could feel myself ease into sleep. As Harry continues to hum and play with the ends of my hair I find myself more relaxed than I have been in a few months.

*** *** ***

I wake up on the couch this time, Harry must have went back to our room after he realized I has finally fallen asleep. He covered me up with the blanket I had wrapped around me and brought me my pillow from the bed. I looked up at the clock and it was already after eight in the morning. Harry had left for work already.

I sat up looking on the coffee table, he had left a note. It read,

You looked so peaceful sleeping there, I would have felt terrible for disturbing your much needed relaxation. Shortly after you had fallen asleep I went back to the room and went back to sleep myself. I hope you got enough rest through the night. When I wok you were still in the same position. You looked so cute and like you were enjoying your sleep, I still didn't want to wake you. I love you so much, and cant wait until time for me to get off work so I can come home and see your beautiful face, and kiss your perfect lips and wrap my arms around you cute tummy, and whisper in your ear how much I love you.

      Harry XX

I love it when he write me notes in the morning, they are always so cute. I smiled to myself and stood to go into the kitchen. I waddled my way in there turning the light on. I decided I would make myself some decaffeinated coffee, seeing as I cant consume any caffeine while being pregnant.

I put the coffee in the filter and added the water and turned the coffee pot on. I waited for it to begin. I watched as the red light turned green telling me it was ready. I opened the cabinet with the mugs and searched for my favorite mug. It was on the top shelf, I reached for the mug, standing on my tiptoes. I felt a warm liquid fall down my legs, My eyes widened as I realized that my water had broken.

I looked down and seen that it was bloody. This can not be good. I began to panic. Remembering that at one of my very first appointments they said since I was still getting my period while I was pregnant, there could be something wrong with the baby.

I dropped the mug and it shattered onto the floor. I dropped to the floor, clenching my stomach as I felt a sharp pain. I screamed, this pain is unbearable. I began crawling to the table to try and stand. I grabbed the edge of the table trying to pull myself up.

I rushed to my room as fast as I could, still holding my stomach and crying as I was still in pain, praying all the way there that my baby would be ok.

I grabbed my phone to call Harry, I hope he answers his phone. I dialed his number, I felt another sharp pain in my lower stomach and back, I screamed and began crying louder.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now