Chapter 20

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It's been almost a week since I left my mothers house and basically moved in with Harry. It's finally the weekend and Harry and I are finally having a nice weekend together once we get home after school, and it's only the end of third period. I'm now on my way to lunch and trying to find Carson and Liam.

I stood in line for lunch but today we were having fish and chips, which is not sounding good today. Carson and Liam walked in and joined me in the line.

"Hey" Carson said.

"Hi" I said back.

"Are you eating today" Carson asked

"No I'm just getting some water. For some reason fish and chips just don't sound good". I said and grabbed a water from the drink cooler.

"Oh you usually love fish and chips" Liam said grabbing himself a tray.

"Harry and I went out and we got fish and chips the other day" I said and payed for my water.

We walked toward our usual seats for lunch. Carson opened her packets of ketchup and poured them onto her tray for her chips. She was seems to love ketchup a lot because she eats it with everything.

"So Mr. Styles told me you were sick and that's why you weren't at school, what was wrong" she asked.

"I just had a stomach bug, I'm feeling better though" I said making up something because they still don't know I'm staying at his place and that my mom and I got into an argument.

"Oh, that must have sucked" Liam said taking a bit of his fish.

I hate hearing the sound of someone chew their food and some foods smell make me gag, but fish usually isn't one of them. But when Liam bit into his fish and it crunched and I could smell it I felt as if I was going to vomit.

"Guys I'll be back in a minute" I said and rushed off to the bathroom.

I took a few deep breaths and tried to hold everything down. It seemed to work. I didn't throw up but once I felt as if I was going too the first time I knew I was going to feel sick the rest of the day.

Once I was done in the bathroom I walked back to Carson and Liam in lunch.

"Guys would you be mad if I went to be with Harry, I don't feel well" I asked

"No, no go ahead. Must be your stomach big coming back, go be with Harry" Carson said.

"Thanks guys. Sorry" I said and grabbed my water and walked towards Harry's classroom.

He's on lunch break with the rest of the English teachers but he always eats in his room alone.

I walked in and saw him eating some chips.

"Hi babe why aren't you at lunch" he asked.

"I was but I wasn't eating, I wasn't feeling fish and chips today, then I felt like I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom. But nothing ever happened, I think I'm going down with the stomach bug"

"Oh poor baby, I wish you could stay with me all day but the teachers would mark you as MIA and that's not good" he said.

"I know I was thinking I would leave and go home early, if that's ok with you"

"Yeah that's ok, I'll come home as soon as I can, I have a meeting after school but it shouldn't take to long"

"Ok thanks, I just want to sleep" I said an sat on his desk.

He grabbed my thigh and rubbed it up and down. "I'm sorry you feel bad baby" he said.

"Thanks Harry, I love you" I said and hopped off his desk.

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora