Chapter 30

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Kamri had been awake for most of the night eating, and seeing as I'm nursing her, when she's awake I'm awake, if I wasn't nursing, the nurse in the nursery would bottle feed her through the night. While she's asleep now, I want to try and get some rest too, but Harry is just waking himself and I need him to run to the house and get some things.

"Morning babe" He said sitting up onto the couch he was previously sleeping on.

"Morning" I answered.

"You didn't get much sleep did you" He asked standing up, walking towards me.

"Kamri wanted to eat all night" I said looking at my new baby in her crib beside my bed. She was sleeping quietly now, and I'm sure that this isn't going to last long.

"I'm sorry, why didn't you wake me"

"I didn't see the reason in you loosing sleep, it isn't like you can feed her from any of your four nipples. You looked like you were sleeping well, so I didn't want to wake you" Harry laughed as I joked about his four nips.

"Hey now, don't talk about my nipples" He said crossing his arms in front of his chest as if he was hiding his nipples.

I shook my head from side to side laughing at his actions.

"Well next time wake me and I will stay up with you"

I just nodded my head.

"Harry will you do me a favor" I asked.

"Will you please go back home and bring me some clothes" I asked.

"I thought we brought you bag" He asked pointing to the over night bag I had packed.

"I know, but I didn't bring clothes" I said, hoping he wouldn't go look in it. I really did bring clothes, I just wanted him to go get me some of his T-Shirts, just something about wearing his clothes makes me feel so much closer to him, the way his scent lingers on them, and when I wear them around the house when he is at work, I feel so much safer, like he's really there. Its comforting.

"Ceciley, you have clothes, I'm sure we packed them" He says and grabs the bag. opening it and showing me my clothes stuffed in the bag.

"Harry, I want to wear some of your shirts" I said and sort of a shy manner.

"Oh, Baby. I'm sorry I should have know" He said hugging me. "Yeah, I'll go get the now, I'll be back soon. I love you" He said walking towards the door.

"Love you Harry" I said as he walked out of the room.

I smiled to myself, closing my eyes slowly trying to catch a little sleep before Kam decides she's hungry again.

*** *** ***
Harry's P.O.V

I arrive home soon to get some clothes for Ceciley, I think its cute the way she loves wearing my clothes. In some way I think its comforting to her. I'm not sure what it is about the clothes, but there's something.

I run up to our room and to my closet, I'm nit sure which ones she wants, or if she even has a preference. I think she likes my Ramones shirt a lot, and also my plain black shirts. I'm not sure why but she seems to be wearing those the most.

I grabbed three or four and put them in a bag along with some extra clothes for my self. I looked down on the ground seeing the dried blood stain. Not worried about it at the moment, I turned around and walked back down to the kitchen grabbing a muffin and banana from the basket on the counter, also grabbing a chocolate muffin for Ceciley.

Once I have everything, I am out the door and back on my way to be with Ceciley and Kamri.

*** *** ***

I walked in to the hospital to a silent room. Ceciley was lying in bed, Kamri in her arms and they were both sleeping. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

Kamri began to get fussy after a few minutes of me just setting there watch them sleep. I walked over and softly grabbed her from Ceciley. I want to give her a chance to get some sleep. I held Kamri close as I looked down at my beautiful daughter. She has dark curly hair, it isn't much, but she isn't completely bald.

Her hand finds its way to her mouth as she gets her thumb in her mouth and begins to suck. This is gonna be a fun habit to try and break. I laugh silently as I watch her, she is enjoying her thumb, I know she is hungry but it her thumb is enough to keep her quiet for a little longer, then I wont bother waking Ceciley for a little bit longer.

There is a slight knock at the door, and it opens slowly. In comes Carson and Liam with a big pink gift bag and a pink balloon the say 'It's a Girl'. I place my finger over my lips signaling them to be quiet.

"Surprise" Carson whisper yells.

"Hey guys" I say as the make there was over to where Kamri and I are sat.

"Oh she is so cute" Carson says.

"I just went back home and got some more clothes for Cec and I, and there were both asleep when I got back, so i'm not sure how long Ceciley has been sleeping, she didn't get much sleep last night Kamri was awake all night wanting to eat."

Then I heard Ceciley speak. "Hi guys, when did you get here" Her voice still sleepy.

"we just got here a few minutes ago, maybe three minutes"

"Oh well good, I wasn't asleep the whole visit" She said and smiled at Carson and Liam.

"Babe, I think kamri is hungry, she is sucking her thumb"

"Yeah she is hungry, but I just fed her, If she eats like this we will have one chunky baby girl" She said and we all laughed.

"Bring her here so she can eat" She said and I took her over and stood my the bed waiting for her to fix herself so she could feed Kamri.

"Um, Liam could you kind of turn around please" she said and smiled at him.

"oh, uh, yeah sure" He said turning red in the face and then he turned to face the wall. 

Carson and I chuckled as Ceciley smiled and shook her head. Ceciley revealed herself and I handed Kamri to her and she placed her so she could latch on, once we could here a faint sucking noise and Ceciley made a face, looking like it didn't feel to pleasant, we knew that she was eating. Ceciley grabbed the baby blanket from the crib and placed it over her and the baby so we couldn't see.

"Ok Liam, you can turn around now" Ceciley said.

*** *** ***

Ceciley's P.O.V

"Bye guys thanks for the gifts and balloon" I said as Carson and Liam were walking from our room.

"That was nice of them to get you some gifts" Harry said setting the bag down beside the diaper bag.

"What clothes did you bring me back" I asked.

"I brought some black ones and my Ramones shirt" He said lifting the bag.

"I want the Ramones one" I said as he reached down in the bag getting the shirt.

"I knew you would want that one" He said handing it to me.

"Its my favorite" I said.

"I had a feeling" He smiled at me.

"Thanks babe, I love you" I said and grabbed him by the shirt bringing his lips to mine. kissing him for a second before changing my shirt.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now