Chapter 12

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It was time for the first game of the year. The team was about to run out to the field. I was in the starting game. I am a bit nervous. Nervous for Harry to watch me play. I'm also nervous for him and my mom to be in the same place, without me by both of their sides. I never really thought of this before, but I know how many students fancy Harry, and my mum thinks Harry is Mr. Styles son. So what if people are talking to Harry in front of my mom, they'll call him Mr. Styles. What if this is the night we get caught. This makes me nervous. I have game day nerves and getting caught nerves all piled on top of each other. I cant wait till this game is over.

"Alright girls are you ready to kick some butt" Coach yelled.

"YEAH" The team yelled back. I tried to hide my nervousness.

"Hands in" Coach said getting everyone in a circle.

"Go Team on three" She said .

"One, Two Three"

"GO TEAM" We all yelled.

We had about three minutes before we went out, so I looked in the mirror in the locker room I threw my hair up in a high pony, I pulled my socks up making sure my cleats were tied tight I tucked in my jersey. I was all set to get out their and play my heart out.

We began running onto the field. I was the first because I was head player. So all eyes were on me.

It's now time for them to announce the players who are starting the game. They do the guests names first. Once they were done I knew it was my turn.

"First for our home team we have number seventeen, Ceciley Butler" The announcer yelled through the sound system. I ran threw high fiving my teams hands. I went through and shook hands with the other team, and their coaches. I waited in the middle of the field for my team players.

We began the game, I had the ball I was running, dribbling the ball in between my feet. I passed it to a girl on my team. She took it. I ran down the field closer to our goal. She kicked it to me and I ran it down. I kicked it in hope of making the first goal for my team. Which I did. I heard cheers from the crowd, which made me smile. The girls ran over giving me quick high fives before we resumed the game.

*** *** ***

The game is over, we won by three points, so it was a rather close game. we are running back to the locker room. You could hear heavy breathing from the people who were playing and cleats hitting the concrete as we're running.

Once we reached the locker rooms I grabbed a towel drying the sweat from my face. I took my cleats off and put on my convers. I took my hair down and brushed through it. I put it back up. 

"Great Game girls" I said shoving my cleats in my bag. I grabbed it throwing it over my shoulder. I walked out of the locker room. I walked down the hall way. I saw Harry walking towards his class room.

I ran down the hall meeting him.

"HI" I said once I reached him.

"Hey baby, Great game" He said unlocking his door to his class room.

"Thanks, but why are you coming in here" I asked following him in.

"I forgot I had some papers to grade, and I was talking to your mum, I told her my dad was in here grading some papers, Which reminded me I needed to do that. So I am getting them and grading them when I get home" He said grabbing the papers from his desk.

"I was so worried you'd be with her and another student seen you and called you Mr. Styles in front of her" He laughed.

"I would have made something up" He smiled.

"I was hoping so" I smiled.

"Well your mum told me if I saw you in here that she is waiting for you so hurry up" He laughed. I smiled.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow" I said. He reached his arms out for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I tilted my head up to look at him. I puckered my lips for a kiss. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"I love you" He said

"I love you too" I said and tip toed to kiss him one more time. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to let him go. He pulled his face away from mine . "You better go before she comes looking" He said.

"I know, But I don't want to, I'd rather just be here with you" I said.

"I know, but tomorrow is Friday, we could always spend the weekend together" He said.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" I said and walked towards the door.

"Bye Ceciley" He said.

"Bye" I said walking out the door.

I walked out the door and into the parking lot to where my mom parked her car.

"What took so Long Cec" she asked as I was getting in.

"I ran into Harry, we were talking" I said.


"Yeah, He told me you two were talking"

"Yeah, He must not have told you I said to hurry" She joked.

"Yes he did, I just didn't listen" I joked back.

"You two really like one another don't you" She said, driving away from the school.

"Yeah" I smiled thinking about him.

"Oh Young Love" She smiled turning up the radio.

A/N: I KNOW I HAVNT UPDATED IN WHAT SEEMS LIKE YEARS. But I'm Back and this story will be updated every Tuesday.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now