Chapter 31

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Yesterday we got to bring baby Kamri home, she hasn't wanted to stay up anymore. She has been sleeping more during the night. Which makes Harry and I happy because we get more sleep.

Harry has taken about a week or two off of work so he can stay here and help with Kamri. Which I am absolutely grateful for, with out him I would probably be a wreck if I am being honest. Parenting is obviously a new thing for me. So I am still learning as the days go by, and so is Harry but with us together we have everything under control.

Kamri is sleeping right now in her nursery so Harry and I are just sitting in the living room, resting while we can. I know she will be hungry soon and she will eat for about twenty minutes. Everything really isn't that bad, it just all comes at once, the feedings, the burping, the diaper changes, and it all just happing and it seems like you cant do anything fast enough.

"When she cries next will you go get her and ring her to me, that way I can prepare so it doesn't take as long to get her fed" I asked Him as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Sure babe" He said and kissed the top of my head.

I closed my eyes, enjoying my alone time with Harry, seeing as we wont have much alone time for a good eight to ten months.

"I missed you" I said, even thought we haven't spent any time apart.

"How, we haven't been separated" He questions wrapping his arms tighter around my shoulder.

"Just taking care of Kamri all the time, don't get me wrong, I love her to death and love spending time with my baby but I feel like I haven't seen you in forever"

"Oh, I'm sorry babe"

"I know you are Harry, but it isn't your fault"

*** *** ***

As we are still sitting on the couch cuddled up, I hear soft cries come from the baby monitor, indicating that the baby is awake and ready for some milk.

"She's up" I said to Harry and he smiled.

"I'll get her" He said making his way to get the hungry baby girl from her crib as I fix my shirt getting everything out for Kam.

"Mommy's gonna feed you in just a second baby" I heard Harrys say, I looked up and he was walking down the stairs with her, holding her close to his chest, kissing her cheek once he was done speaking.

"Here's mama" He said once he reaches the couch where I am sitting.

I reached up for her as he placed her in my arms.

"Hi baby, mamas got the goods" I said making Harry laugh.

I positioned her in front of me covering my boob and Kamri with a blanket so I was covered, even though its only Harry and I here.

"how does that feel" Harry asked referring to the breast feeding.

"Awkward at first, but then you get used to it, so now it doesn't feel weird. Sometimes it hurts if she wants to bite, and she squeezed with her gums"

"ow, that sounds painful" He said and covered his nipples.

"Not really, it isn't as bad as it sounds"

*** *** ***

Now that Kamri has been feed, burped, and had a diaper change, I bring her back in to the living room were Harry and I have spent the majority of the day. He had to take his shirt off because Kamri spit up on him while he was burping her. I hand Harry the baby so I can go wash my hands.

Once I am done I look into the living room through the door. Harry is holding Kam to his bare chest rocking her side to side slowly, causing her to fall asleep. It is really cute, she looks just like him. His lips press to her forehead as I hear soft humming. I never thought that I could fall this much in love with two people, its actually crazy how much I love them.

"Look at you" I said and smiled at Harry as I walked in to join him.

"What" He asks, placing his hands on he back holding her tight to his chest.

"You with Kamri, the most adorable things I've ever seen. You are such an amazing father"

"I love her so much" He says looking down at the beautiful little girl in his hands.

"She loves you too, she doesn't know it yet, but there isn't another man out there that will love her as much as much as you do" I said looking at him as he looks at Kamri with a big smile "I love you" I added.

"I love you too" he said leaning over slightly to kiss me.

"You'll be there for her when mommy has to be the bad cop" he giggled as I said that.

"And she'll come running tight to you when daddy says no" He laughed.

"and she'll come to you when her boyfriends break her heart" I said.

"What do you mean boyfriends, Daddy isn't going to let boyfriends happen for a long time"

"You'll be her hero Harry" I smiled at him "Your her hero"

"I hope so" He said kissing her forehead.

"I know you will be" I said.

"How do you know" He asked.

"Because your my hero" I said, looking up at him with a small smile.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said leaning over to kiss his cheek.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now