Chapter 9

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I walked in from school, my mom still wasn't home. I went straight to my room, setting my bag in my chair pushing it in under my desk. I got my phone out and texted Carson maybe she wanted to come over and hang out.

To Carson: Hey Carson want to come over??? My moms not home and I'm done at school with Mr. Styles.

Carson: Sorry I cant Liam and I are to the movies with some of his friends, You can join us if you want one of them is single, and he's pretty hot!!!.

To Carson: No I'll pass, I'll just stay here and watch some of my own movies or something.... Thanks anyway.

Carson: Ok, But you do have to meet Louis one day, I'm sure you'll love him.

To Carson: ok, I'll talk to you later, Bye.

I cant go to the movies with her and meet a boy, he might want to take things farther then friends. I cant do that, I have Harry. But they don't need to know that.

I jumped on my bed going through twitter and instagram. The door bell rang. I looked out the window and saw Harry's car.

"Harry what the hell are you doing here" I asked looking out the door to see if anyone was looking or could see who was at my house. 

"I know your mom doesnt get home till late so i thought we could hang out"

"Lets watch a movie" I said

"I get to pick it out"I yelled running over to where I keep the movies. " And I'll get the snacks" I said walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed sodas, bags of chips, and a container of Oreos" and carried it out to Harry.

"what did you pick out" he asked  as I was setting the snack on the coffee table.

"the exorcist" I said, I had never seen this movie and I was a little scared but I didn't let Harry see that.

The movie began to start and Harry reached down and grabbed the Oreos and moved to one side of the couch. "No, No" I said shaking my finger at him.

"What" he asked.

"Your sharing" I said and scooted closer to him, I leaned into his side, he wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer, as if it were possible. I looked up at him and opened my mouth wanting an oreo. He grabbed one form the box and put it in front of my mouth, he brushed it on my lip teasing me, then he quickly shoved it in his own mouth. "Harry" I yelled, playfully slapping his stomach. He laughed.

"Ok, here" He said getting another oreo.

"No, I don't trust you, I'll get my own" I said reaching for an oreo but he pulled the container away from my hand.

"I'll give it to you this time" He said, putting the oreo in front of my mouth, but I didn't budge.  "Ceciley open your mouth" He said. I still didn't open my mouth. I shook my head.

"Then I guess I don't have a choice" He said, have a choice for what.

He sat up and looked at me. "are you sure you don't want to eat this" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Alright then, I'm just going to have to tickle you" I shook my head trying to get away from him but i was to slow, He grabbed me by the waist tickling my sides. I burst out laughing, I tossed around trying to get out of his grip but there really was no use. "Harry please, please" I begged. He still didn't stop.

He was looking into my eyes and I was laughing, he slowly started to stop and I reached up and  I grabbed his head and pulled in down to mine our lips met. His hand stopped and he began kissing back. He adjusted his body over mine so that he was hovering over me. He ran his hand sown my side and grabbed my thigh, squeezing it and pulling it so that my leg was wrapped around him. He did the same to my other leg and he turned and sat up. so that he was sitting up and I was sitting on his lap. We continued kissed for a while. Until I heard the girl in the movie scream to the top of her lungs. I stopped kissing him and put my face in his chest covering my ears. he wrapped his arms around me holding me against him. "Turn it off" I yelled.

He turned it off and wrapped his arms back around me. "what the hell was that" I asked.

"It's just a movie, its ok" He said and kissed the top of my head.

"I know but that was scary" I said.

"I know, I know" He said rubbing my back soothingly.

We stayed like that for a while, What he didn't know was, when I get scared, I get scared for a long time.

"I really should get going before your mom comes home and sees me here" He said and tried to get up but I held him down.

"No, don't leave me here" I said holding him tighter.

"Ceciley, you'll be fine" He said.

"No, stay, just for a little while longer" I asked.

"Fine" He said and Kissed my cheek.

"So, how you like school this far" He asked.

"I love it, I was thinking about trying out for soccer, Or what ever you guys call it here" I said, i remember hearing an announcement about it today.

"You should, did you play before" He asked.

"Yeah, I was on the varsity team, All the kids my age were mad, because I was better than them" I said. 

"You should try out, I'd cheer for you" He said and winked.

"I probably will, Tomorrow after school"

*** *** *** 

I heard a car door from outside. "Shit, My moms home" I said getting off Harrys Lap, Straightening out my clothes from our little make out scene earlier.

"Told you I should have gone earlier" He said standing up.

"I'll figure out something to say just go along with it" I said.

"Ceciley, Who's Car" My mom said and walked in the living room. Her eyes widened.

"mom, we were only watching movies I said.

"Ceciley, it's ok. I trust that you. just tell me who your friend is" she said.

"mom this is my boyfriend" I said.

"Boyfriend, You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, how long have you had this boyfriend"

"About a week, I didn't want to tell you until we were official" I said, hoping she'd buy it.

"Oh, well hello" My mom went to shake Harry's hand.

"Hello" He said.

'What's your name" she asked.

"Harry" He said.

"Do you have a last name Harry"   She asked.

"Styles" He said nervously.

"Ceciley isn't that your teachers last name, the one you've been writing with" My mom asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Yeah he's my dad" Harry said. I looked at him.

"Oh, well It was nice to meet you Harry, hopefully I'll be seeing you a lot more" She said and walked down the hall, leaving us alone.

"I better get going" He said. I walked him to the porch.

"Harry, Thanks for making that up. I would have never been able to cover. I'm a terrible liar" I said.

"Its ok. The good thing is. We didn't get completely caught" He said and kissed me.

"Bye" I said as he walked to his car.

"Love you" He said getting into his car.

"Love you too" I said before he started his car.

He drove away and I walked in the house going to my room. I am so glad she didn't know Mr.Styles First name before. I would be dead. I guess the good thing is we can be around each other in front of my mom. Next step is to tell Carson. But when. I have no idea.

Love You All <3

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now