Chapter 27

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7 months later.

I'm thirty seven and a half weeks pregnant, and miserable. I haven't spoken to my mother sense Harry and I went to her house and told her that I was pregnant. Harry told me it was ok to quit school for a while, I didnt need anyone harrasing me at school for being fifteen and pregnant.

Also, Harry kind of told the class that his girlfriend was expecting, and we didnt want any suspicions, with the class knowing that I stay after with him quite a bit working on our "writing project" that was soon to be published. Which actually wasnt compleatly a lie. Harry and I have been woking on a story away from school that is actually quite similar to our story. The story of how we met, the story of how we fell in love with one another. It's called, "Keeping Secrets" mainly because over the last eleven months our life has been a secret, and if I'm honest, I am getting tired of the secrets. At the end of the story, the main characters finally raveal their secrets. Which I highly doubt that Harry and I will do because his job is important to him, and I cant raise this baby with out the father. So the story wont have the same ending as the actual story, but it should be close enough.

I just got finished editing the most recent chapter Hary and I wrote. I think this story will do well once we get it published, We already got signed by a publisher and cant wait to send it in and get the final copy and send it out to the world for everyone to read. I say everyone meaning teenage girls, divorced women, and women who arent getting any with thier men. I say that because, Harry and I didnt leave anything out, it's sort of a romance, but still not a romance, if that makes sense.

Anyway, besides writing the book, dropping out of school, and being pregnant, Carson adn i have been hanging out alot at the house, She is the only one who knows I'm pregnant, dropped put before I began showing, well before I started looking pregnant, I was noticing alittle weight gain but nothing out of control.

She comes over on the weekend and we chat, sometimes she brings Liam and he and Harry will watch the occasional football game. Carson says he isnt really much on football, but when he's here he seems to like it. I cant really go out, well actually I guess i could but I choose not to for a few reasons. I dont want people to know about my being pregnant, and I am trying to avoid my mother. I dont want ehr to know whre I live, and I dont want to run in to her at the shop. That will just give her a reason to try and ruin my life just a little more than she already has.

In about ten minues Harry will be home from work and I can not wait to see him. As the days go by, watching harry leave for work and waiting for him to come home, it seem as if the days are getting longer, like they're dragging on. He's only gone for about seven and a half hours each day, but the more days that go by it feels like the hours are building up and he's gone for days at a time.

I relax on the couch turning on the television flipping though the channelsas I wait patiently. I found an old show that I used to watch all the time as a younger child, and it began to bring back old memories of when my child hood was good, when I didnt have to worry about my psychotic mother, I didnt have to worry about being pregnant, and raising the baby right, worrying about being a better mommy to my baby than my mom was to me, worrying about everything really. I've had to do a lot of growing up over the past few months and i am not going to lie, it's hard, but I am willing to do what ever is needed to make this baby's life better than what I had.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear someone yelling "Babe" from the front door. Harry was home at last. I jumped up from the couch to go meet him in the hall.

"Hi babe, how was your day" I asked, greeting him.

"It was aliright, It would have been better if I was with you"

"Oh shhh" I said, I loved hearing him talk to me like that, it was quite flattering, and cute.

"It the truth" He said and kissed my cheek.

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora