Chapter 16

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I woke up, Bright and early just like every other week day, ready to get to school. I climbed out of my bed walking into the bathroom. I switched the light on and looked at myself in the mirror. My Hair is in it's natural curly state, I look at my phone and decide i have enogh time to get all of this mess stragiht. I am in the mood for something diffrent today. First I do my make up, very little if I want time to straighten my hair. A little eyeliner and mascara. 

I swipe my straightener over the last piece of hair after running the brush through it making sure I didnt leave any pieces out. Once i see that I am finished I walk downstairs finding my mother in the kitchen. 

"Hey mom" I say greeting her. 

"Morning Ceciley" She smiled taking a bite of her cereal. 

"I dont think we have practice today, but I think Mr. Styles wants me to stay after and work on out paper, Since its been a while" I lie, not about practice but about working on a paper. 

"Ok" She say. 

"Well, i'll see you later" I say and grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. 

"Bye honey, see you when you get home" She said and I walked out the door. 

I made my way to school, Once I walked in I spotted Carson and Liam. As usual at Carsons locker hanging out. 

"Ceciley, You missed it this weekend" Carson said. 

"Sorry guys, I was busy" I lied, I know carson wanted me to hang out with her, but i desperatly wanted to spend time with Harry, And I couldn't tell her. 

"I understand, But i really do hope we can hang out soon, you know outside of school" She say. I nodded, Dont get me wrong I would love to hang out with my friend, But i want to be with my boyfriend too. Maybe i should tell her about Harry and I so I dont have to keep making up all these lies. 

Sooner than I know, the bell rings for first period. Carson and I go our seperate ways to first period. 

I'm sat in class, thinking about how many times i have lied to just to see Harry, and to how many people its been too. I hate lying but its the only thing I have to continue seeing him. I dont really know Carson that well to know if she is good at keeping secrets and I just know If I tell my mother she'll get me transfered to another school. I am stuck in a really big mess. But I would rather be in the middle of all this then not have Harry in my life. 

The bell to second period pulls me out of my thoughts, I throw my binder into my bag and walk towards second period. 

"Hey" I hear Carson say as I look to my side and see her and Liam walking by my side. 

"Hey" I say and smile. 

"I think we have a sub in this class today" Carson say, I can hear the excitement in her voice. 

"Really, who" I ask. I wonder why she is so excited. 

"I'm not sure but, I love when we have a sub. They dont ever care what we do they get paid either way. And there is this one sub he's really cute, I hope its him" She says. I can't help but to look over at Liam to see his reaction. 

"Whats his name" I ask. 

"Mr. Malik" She says. 

We walk into the class room, and there is an unfamiliar teacher at the desk. He is tan and his hair is up in a quiff. He is really cute, But he doesn't compare to Harry. 

"Thats him" Carson whispers. 

"Liam I think you need to tie her up, She'll be going after all the male population if you arent care" I joke. 

"No, I only love Liam, The rest I just think are cute, and there is nothing wrong with that" She defends herself. 

"Awe" I say and we all laugh. 

"Umm, your teacher didnt leave anyplans so you are all free to do what ever" He says with a very uniqe accent. 

*** *** *** 

The class I have been waiting to go to all day, It sucks that I have it sixth period, but I dont think I'd like it early in the day either. 

I walk in and there are a few girls around his desk. "Mr. Styles, your so funny" One of them says. I try not to look jealous but I dont know if its working. 

"Ok, girls class is about to begin take a seat" He say and they all move to their desk. 

"It discusts me how those girls are all over him like that, Yeah he's cute but really" I say to carson. 

"Sounds like someone is jealous" She says. I kind of forgot that I wasn't supposed to say anything about Harry and I. 

"No, its just that, I dont come to school to see that" I say trying to cover up my jealousy. 

"I agree" She says, I think I was successful at covering up. 

"Today we'll be practicing with writing with prompts, So i'll be giving each of you a prompt, not everyones will be the same, there are two, you will be given the entire class period to complete this. Is everything understood" He says as he begins class, handing out the prompts. A few students begin to fuss because he is actually making us do work, instead of listening to him talk. 

*** *** ***

I look up at the clock we have just about one minute left and I notcie I am the only one still working, Everyone else is either sleeping or playing with something on their desk. I have three full pages writen and I am almost done. The bell rings good thing I am staying here after. I finish and hand my paper in to Harry. 

"I'm glad to see you've taken your time" He says. I dont want him to see that I am still upset at him. I just smile. 

"What wrong" He asks. 

"Nothing" I say and walk back to my desk to put eveything away. 

"Somethings wrong, You know you can tell me anything" He says. 

"It's just that, Well I didnt like the way those girls were all over you is all" I say. 

"Ceciley, you cant pay attention to those girls, Besides I've already taken my pick, and I know which on I want" He smiles and grabs me by the waist. 

I cant help but to smile. "I was thinking, Maybe it isnt such a bad time to tell Carson and my mother about us. I have almost ratted us out a few times today. I dont like keeping us a secret" I said and wrapped my arms around his back. 

"When ever you decide, I'm cool. As long as they know how to keep a secret" he says but I can tell he is kind of nervous about this. 

"I think they'll be cool about it" I say not really sure, I think Carson will be able too. I am just worried about my mom, what if she tries to turn him in, or something. I start to re think the decision. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. 

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora