Chapter 21

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It's been about three days since I've been sick, but I still feel sick everyday. My calculations were right I did get my lady friend of the month, but that usually never happens when I have my period. I guess I jinxed myself when I told Carson and Liam I had a stomach bug the other day.

"Baby why don't you go to the doctor" Harry said while brushing his teeth.

"Harry it's just my period, I'll be better once I'm done" I said getting into my uniform.

"Well I don't think you should go to school of your feeling this way" he said throwing back a shot of mouth wash swishing it in his mouth.

"I can't keep missing, at my old school I had perfect attendance for three years straight"

"Ceciley, please don't go. I don't want you getting sick during class, I want you to be comfortable" he said after wiping his mouth with the towel on the towel rack.

"Fine, I'll stay here" I said leaning against the door frame. Watching him get ready.

"And if you still feel sick tomorrow, I'll call in so I can be with you tomorrow"

"I have to go to school tomorrow I can miss three days in one semester, that's not okay with me. And if my mother gets a truancy letter in the mail, she'll be so pissed"

"If your sick you not going, I don't care what your mom says. Your sick and you need to be somewhere your comfortable until your better" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Fine, but you better go. You'll be late" I said

"Alright, see you when I get home"he said walking out of the bathroom down the hall to the door.

"Bye, I love you" I said handing him his school bag.

"Love you Cec" he said walking out the door.

I'm thankful he care so much about my comfort and health, but it sometimes gets to much. I've never been this exposed to someone showing me this much tender love and care. My mom loves me, well I should say loved, she hasn't even called to ask how I was since I left her house. I hope that means she feels bad for hitting me but she's just scared of what I might say to let her know how much I am mad at her for what she did.

I don't care if she likes mine or Harry's relationship, it would mean a lot if she did but I don't care if she does or not. All that matters to me is if she respects it.

I changed back into my pyjamas seeing as I was going to be in bed all day. I walked into the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat. But nothing is looking at the moment. I popped some bread into the toaster and poured myself a glass of orange juice, and waited for the toast to pop out.

I spread some butter across the toast and sprinkled some cinnamon over the top. I took it in to Harry's room and got in the bed a turned on the TV I took a bite of my toast trying find something decent to watch.

I put Friends on because it seems like the only thing worth watching. I take another bite of my toast and continue watching.

Once I am done with my breakfast I set my plate on the nightstand and get underneath of the duvet and curl up into a ball getting comfortable in Harry's bed. Once I got comfortable I started feeling sick.

"As soon as somebody gets settled" I say to myself, knowing that I may not be able to keep my toast down much longer.

I lay on my back and rub my stomach hoping to calm it down. But I just seems to get worse.

I jump out of the bed running into the bathroom just in time, because I threw up in he toilet. Either I'm Gavin one terrible period, or this stomach bug is kicking me straight in the ass.

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora