Chapter 2: Confused Feelings

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Chapter 2

"Confused Feelings"

It's breaktime, everyone rushed into the canteen and get some food to eat. Jungkook is eating alone on a table beside the window. Suddenly, Jimin went on his table and decided to eat his meal on Jungkook's table. Jungkook is still upset on what Jimin did a while ago.

Jimin: "Can I sit here?"

Jungkook nodded but still a little upset.

Jimin: "Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you, I was just fooling around.", Jimin said while laughing.

Jungkook: "Well it's not funny!".

Jungkook left the table and returned to the classroom. It's still 20 minutes before the next class. He saw Jin looking at the window. Jungkook sat on his chair beside Jin.

Jungkook: Hi, uhm.. Thank you for what you did a while ago!.

Jin: "Nah! No problem, I also did it for myself because I don't want to keep it for the rest of my life. Besides, I'll be spending 4 years in this school, I can't keep it that long!".

Jungkook: "I see.." , (He pulled out something in his bag). "Here! take this.. I know you're not eating yet."

Jin: Thanks! Honestly I'm not in the mood to eat, but since it's your first time giving me something, I'll eat it."  (Jin smiled and ate the sandwich that Jungkook brought for him.)

Jungkook smiles back at him. While he's looking at Jin's eyes, he didn't noticed that he's also looking at Jin's heart. Jin and Jungkook became friends that day. Although they are still not that close to each other, they knew that both of them can be really good friends.. or maybe.. more than that.

The professor enters and starts lecturing. On the first day of their class, Jungkook stands out with the rest. He's really a smart guy. The whole class admired him for being so smart.


After Jungkook left  Hanna, the girl is crazily crying all night. She's so mad because Jungkook left her without any notice. She told to herself that she'll have a revenge. Because of her obsession with Jungkook , she did all what she can do to find Jungkook but she's clueless on Jungkook's whereabouts. She went to her mother to see what she can do. She told her daughter to bring her a piece of hair of this boy. Hanna didn't know where to find a piece of hair because he don't know where Jungkook is. Fortunately, she found a worn-out cap that Jungkook wears during high school. She found a piece of hair. Hanna's mother casts a spell on it. He summoned a curse on Jungkook.

Hannah's Mother: "You broke my daughter's heart, now you will also feel the same way! (Raises the piece of hair) This boy, will only have three chances to a heartbreak, that if someone broke his heart for the 3rd time... he will die!!!!!"

and then the curse started..


The class is over, He returned to his room and opens his diary.

Diary Entry:"First day of class is really fun, although it's hard at first, I did managed to overcome my worries in this school. I hope to meet new friends. I was hoping that there would be no more crazy ones. And uhmm.. there is this one guy whom I met earlier. His name is Jin. I think he's really a nice guy. I hope we can be close friends. Maybe bestfriends. I don't know but I'm starting to like him.. Oh wait.. What's happening to me? I'm a guy.. i should never like him.. it's just because he's so nice. Yeah he's just nice . that's why I like him. Nothing more.. I really admire him for having so much confidence to say that he's.. o nevermind.. time to take a shower.."

It's 6:00 in the evening, he's about to take a shower but he noticed that the shower is broken. He tried to call the office but no one is responding so he decided to go out and went to the office but suddenly, he saw Jimin along the way.

Jimin: "Oh, Jungkook, where are you going?"

Jungkook: "Uhh.. to the office, the shower on my room is broken so I have to tell the admin about it!"

Jimin: "There's no one in the office right now, I went there a while ago. I don't know where'd they go"

Jungkook: "I see, thanks!"

Jimin: "Hey, you can use the shower on my room!"

Jungkook: "No thanks, I'll just take a shower tomorrow!".

Jimin: Oh C'mon, are you still mad at me? Let this be my peace offering will ya?"

Jungkook: "Ok, ok.. Fine!" 

Jungkook went to Jimin's room and took a shower. He noticed that the lock is broken.

Jungkook: "Hey, is this really broken?"

Jimin: "Yeah, I already told the maintennance to fix it but still they didn't do anything about it. Hey, don't worry, I'm not going to peep on you!" (Jimin said in a naughty way..)

Jungkook took a shower but he's a little uncomfortable because the door is not locked. Few minutes later, while he's on his way out to the shower, Jimin appeared and entered the room with only his towel on. 


CHAPTER 3: Falling Unexpectedly

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