Chapter 13: The Poser

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It's weekend, there's no classes today. Jungkook is excited to see Jin. The alarm clock started ringing at 5:00 am. He woke up early to get dressed early. He opened his facebook and there's another message. "Goodmorning.. I'm excited to see you later, please wait for me ok?, I might be late if there's a heavy trafiic."

Jungkook finished his breakfast quickly. He took a shower and getting ready to meet Jin later. His fixing his hair and make himself look good. He wants to impress Jin with his looks. He went outside the school and he take a ride going to Gangjju Cafe near their school. It's 7:00 am, 1-hour earlier than the 8:00 am meeting that Jin said. He's not ordering a coffee or anything, he's waiting for Jin so he can ask Jin for a coffee.While waiting for Jin, he's drawing something on his notebook. It was Jin's face/portrait. Jungkook can sketch even though he's not that good, you can still recognize what or who is in his drawings. It's just his hobby when a little bored. It's about 8:00 am. He's still waiting for Jin to arrive. He constantly checking his facebook if there's a new message but there's none. He patiently waited because Jin said that he has to wait for him because there might be a heavy traffic. And then suddenly someone arrived. He was looking on that person hoping that it's Jin but another one came out. It was V. Jungkook called V and wave at him.

Jungkook: *waves at V* Hey V!
V: Jungkook? What are you doing here?
Jungkook: Uhm, I am waiting for someone. How about you?
V: I just came by to buy a coffee. I used to go here every weekend.
Jungkook: Really..? I guess the coffee here is amazing
V: Yes you should try one. wait I'll buy you one.
Jungkook: No, thanks, I'll just buy later when he arrives..
V: He? Who's he?
Jungkook: Uhmm.. Jin
V: I see.. okay, I'll guess I'll just drink my coffee on the way back to school.
Jungkook: You sure?
V: Yes, I think Jin is still mad at me and I don't want to ruin your moment with him.
Jungkook: Okay.. see you at the school
V: Sure!

It's already 9:00 am but still there's no sign of Jin. He's still checking his facebook for messages but nothing is there. He sent a message to Jin's facebook. "Jin, are you on your way? I'm already here. Please let me know if you're on your way already. I'll wait for you." Then suddenly the message showed a check sign which means Jin "SEEN" the message but there is no reply from him. Jungkook sent another message. "Please reply on this message.. I want you to know that I'm waiting for you here.. I'm dying to see you again", "Please Jin.. baby.. we need to talk.." Jungkook is now starting to get worried. It's 11:00 am He is patiently waiting for Jin. He told himself to wait..  that Jin is just doing something that is why he will be late. Jungkook is trying to understand the situation.


[Jin's Side]

Jin is on his way to school to submit his papers (transferee papers) to the head of the school when he saw Suga on the hallyway.

Jin: Hey, Yuga, what are you doing here? There's no classes today
Suga: It's Suga.. not Yuga! Anyways, I'm here because the professor wants to talk to me about my grades.
Jin: You have low grades?
Suga: Shut up! How about you? You have low grades too?
Jin: Hey, I'm not like you.. I'm here to submit these papers..
Suga: I see.. Oh wait.. Jin, I already found your account on Facebook. You lied to me that you don't have a Facebook account. But then I searched your name and saw your profile. Anyways thanks for confirming my friend request..
Jin: What? I told you I don't have facebook account. I already deleted it..
Suga: You sure? Hmmm.. it seems like a new aacount. There's nothing on the timeline. and there's just random friends. Foreign friends and some koreans. I really thought it was you.
Jin: Can I see?
Suga: Here..

Jin looks at Suga's phone and he saw that fake profile. He only laughs at it.

Jin: I can't believe someone is using my name and picture now. I guess I'm too popular..
Suga: *murmuring* Tsk.. popular?
Jin: Hey i heard you.. By the way, I have to go to the office now. See you on Monday.
Suga: Sure Mr. Popular! and hey! I also uploaded our selfie yesterday on my profile. Is that okay with you.?
Jin: No Problem.. I'm not using facebook anyways..


[Jungkook's Side]

It's already 3:00 pm, Jungkook is still waiting for Jin never knowing that the one who message him is a poser. Jungkook is not eating yet. The tears from his eyes started to fall. He checked the messages but still there's no reply. He's wiping his tears constantly becuase the tears from his eyes started to shed even more tears. And then his phone rings.. It was V calling..

Phone Conversation:

Jungkook: Hello..
V: Hey? Are you okay? You sound like crying.. what happened?
Jungkook: V... He didn't come..
V: What? Don;t tell me you're still waiting there..
Jungkook: *cries* Yes.. 
V: Wait for me there okay? Don't go anywhere.
Jungkook: Okay

V went to the cafe where Jungkook is... he saw Jungkook crying. V gave Jungkook a handkerchief to wipe his tears, He bought a coffee and food for Jungkook because he know that Jungkook is not eating yet.

Jungkook: Thanks V.. I'm sorry for disturbing you
V: No, you don't have to thank me.. Are you okay now?
Jungkook: Yeah, a little. I just can;t understand why Jin never show up.
V: Maybe he has some important things to do.. *gives Jungkook food* here, you have to eat first. You look so wasted.. and you have to try this coffee too. 
Jungkook: Thanks.. 
V: I'll go buy a beer for me.. wait for awhile..

V went to buy a soda and returned to Jungkook..

Jungkook: I feel a little better now.. thanks V
V: Now worries.. Don't think too much, Maybe Jin has his reasons.. just leave a message on his profile
Jungkook: Alright,,

Jungkook went on Jin's fake account and when he was about to post a message on the profile, he saw something posted a few minutes ago. A picture of Jin and a boy he doesn't knew or met before. (It was Suga). Jin and Suga's selfie is posted with a caption. "Meet my new boyfriend"

Jungkook dropped his phone in shock and the tears from his eyes started to fall again. V pick up Jungkook's phone and looked on the picture.

V: Uh.. What's this? he never showed up but he posted this? Wait what is happening..
Jungkook: I don't know.. I really don't know.. 
V: He has a new boyfriend now? But.. why does he want to meet you? and.. Arghh! I'm confused too..
Jungkook: I can't understand, he said he wants to see me because he missed me. But.. 
V: Hey Jungkook, stop crying.. That Jin! Why is he doing this to you?
Jungkook: Maybe he's still mad at me and wants to have revenge on me because I didn't listen to him. It's all my fault. I deserve this..
V: No! Jungkook! It's not your fault. Stop crying! Hey!

Jungkook grabs V's beer and drank it all the way. 

Jungkook: Can you buy me more of this?
V: Uhm it's okay but.. 
Jungkook: Please.. Just buy me okay?
V: Okay, but I will not drink because I have to carry you home...

V bought some beer and let Jungkook drink. Jungkook finished all 10 bottles of beer while crying. He's not saying anything. He's just drinking all the beers until nothing left. After a few hours.. Jungkook got drunk. He can't walk straight that is why V carried Jungkook all the way to his room. When V is about to put Jungkook into his bed, Jungkook vomits at V's shirt. He put Jungkook on his bed and he removed Jungkook's shirt because it has some vomits too. He also removed his shirt and because of the vomits. He went to the bathroom to get a towel to wipe the vomit on Jungkook's body and his then suddenly Jungkook grabbed V's body and he started to kissed V.

Next Update: (Thursday - October 9, 2014)
Chapter 14: Moving On

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