Chapter 4: The New Student

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The new student, Kim Taehyung or simply called "V" is a handsome guy with wavy ash blonde hair, a little tall from Jungkook. He loves to smile and he looks friendly. When you see him, it's like you will have the feeling of happiness and joy.

V sat beside Jimin and that's what makes Jungkook worried because he knows what Jimin can do. The professor started lecturing but Jungkook is still worried. Jin tapped Jungkook's shoulder.

Jin: "Hey are you ok?"

Jungkook: "Yes, don't worry.."

He can't keep his eyes on V sitting beside Jimin.

The class has ended after a few hours and they all returned to their room. Jungkook went out for a walk and suddenly he saw V on the backyard of the school.

V: "Hey!" (V said while smiling)

Jungkook: "Oh Hi!"

V: You're a shy-type of guy huh.. What's your name?"

Jungkook: "Jungkook, and uhmm, I'm sorry but i'm just not really into friendship"

V: "I see, I guess it's hard for you to trust people, By the way, I'm Taehyung , but call me V!" V said (while shaking hands with Jungkook)

Jungkook: "Alright... uhm.. V.."

V: "Yes Jungkook?"

Jungkook: "Don't trust Jimin ok?"

V: "The one beside me? Why? he seems like a nice guy..but thanks anyways"

Jungkook: "Just stay away from him. Anyways, I need to go, See you tomorrow in class."

V: "Sure! Goodnight!"

Just when Jungkook is about to return to his room, something fell from the window, it was a flower vase falling towards Jungkook. V saw the falling vase and quickly pushed Jungkook to the other side. Jungkook was frightened and shocked about what happened. He saw V lying on the ground and his foot got hit by that vase. V's foot are sprained and having bruises because of the falling vase. Jungkook shout for help and Jin came in. Jin lifted V to the school clinic. The school nurse quickly put some first aid on V's foot. 

Jin: "What happened?"

Jungkook: "I was about to go to my room and then suddenly he pushed me to the ground, I didn't know that something is about to fell on me." (Jungkook said while still shaking.)

Jin: "Hey, Stay calm, everything will be ok" Jin said.

Jungkook: "He saved me, if it wasn't on him, I'll be dead by now!".

Jin: "I said stop! He will be ok.. don't think too much ok?"

Jungkook: "Uhmm.. ok, sorry"

Jin: "Go to your room now and sleep, The nurse will take care of him, he will be ok."

Jungkook: "Okay," (Jungkook said still worrying.)

Jungkook went to his room, still worrying about V's condition but they can't stay out of their room that late because the school has a strict policy that everyone should be on their own room at 10:00 pm or else they will be kicked out from the school.

Diary Entry:

Today, a guy named V saved my life, if it wasn't on him, i think I'll be dead by now. I am worried about his condition. Is he ok now? I hope he will be okay by tomorrow. I guess i need to do something for him, I need to thank him for what he did but i don't know how to do that.. hmm.. should i make a food for him? or give him a gift? Nah! I'll just visit him tomorrow and will appreciate what he did. Goodnight!

The next day, Jungkook went to the clinic to check V's condition. He saw V staring at the window.

Jungkook: "V, are you okay now? How's your foot? Can you walk? Feeling better?"

V: "Hey easy! It's just sprain and bruises, I'm a strong man you know! Flower Vase can't kill me.

Jungkook: "Thank God you're okay! I'm so worried! Anyways, Thank you for saving me yesterday"

V: "No problem, I won't just stand there and watch! haha, Anyways, Where's your loverboy?".

Jungkook: "Huh? Loverboy? Who?"

V: "Nevermind.. haha,"

Jungkook: "Do you need anything? Are you hungry? I'll buy a food for you"

V: "Nah, I'm not hungry, uhmm but I have one favor.."

Jungkook: "What is it? I'll do anything!"

V: "Really? Anything? How bout give me a hug?"

Jungkook: "Are you serious?"

V: "Of course, Just a friendly hug, that is.. if you're accepting me as your friend"

Jungkook: "Alright!" (Jungkook hugged V.)

but suddenly, Jin came in and saw them hugging each other.


Chapter 5: Confession


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