Chapter 22: Fight

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When Jimin is about to say something, V suddenly showed up.

V: Hey.. cut the crap..
Jimin: V.. I'm sorry
V: I thought i can trust you.. now you're doing this to me? What kind of boyfriend are you huh?
Jimin: V..
V: What did they do to you huh? Why are you doing this to me? YOU TRAITOR!
Jungkook: Jimin just did the right thing! 
V: Right thing? What is the right thing? You think you're a good boy huh? You fuckin' left my sister!
Jungkook: Because I don't have any feelings for her!
V: Of course.. because you're gay! but that's not an excuse.. I still hate you for leaving my sister!
Jin: Hey! you're going too far now..
V: And you.. the one who made my sister cursed.. *laughs* you know.. you're so clever.. you even managed to think of that just to turn the tables huh?
Jin: Well, what goes around comes around V..
V: Fuck that! You'll pay for what you've done.. Both of you..
Jungkook: You're crazy..
V: Yes.. and I will show you how crazy i am..
Jimin: Jin! Jungkook! Run!!!

V picked up something on the ground. It was a piece of wooden lumber used in the construction of the new building for the school. He is about to hit Jungkook...

Jimin: V.. stop it!!! Please!!

When V is about to hit Jungkook, Jin block the wooden lumber using his back hugging Jungkook. It was really painful. The lumber almost broke into two. He hit Jin's back again for the second time, making Jin spits some blood on his mouth. Jin is screaming in pain while Jungkook is shocked and crying, begging V to stop.

Jungkook: Jin.. Jin... Noooo..
Jin: *coughs* Jung.. kook.. i'm glad that.. you're not .. hurt..

Jungkook: Jin.. why'd you do this? Nooo...

And when V is about to hit Jin's head, Jimin gets in the way.

V: What are you doing? Don't get in my way. I'm gonna kill those two.
Jimin: If you want to kill them, then you have to kill me first..
V: Are you insane? *laughs* You know I can't do that.. Now move!
Jimin: NO!.. Stop this nonsense.. *looks at Jungkook* Jungkook, take Jin and leave right away..
Jungkook: Jin.. let's go.. I'll carry you.. I'll take you to the clinic..
V: Don't let me do this Jimin.. 
Jimin: C'mon.. If you want to hurt me.. do it now..
V: Okay.. fine.. I'll stop..

V slowly walk closely to he slowly gets closer to Jimin, he smiled and then he pushed Jimin making him fall into the ground. V quickly ran off chasing Jungkook and Jin. V is too fast while Jungkook is too slow because he's carrying Jin on his back. V finally reached Jin and Jungkook. When he reached Jungkook and Jin he hits Jungkook's leg making the both of them fall on the ground. They are both screaming in pain. Jungkook can't stand because his legs are hurting while Jin still can;t move because of the bruises and pain on his back.

V: Now you can't run.. you're like worms crawling now..
Jungkook: Stop V!! Please,, I'm begging you.. 
V: Hey Jungkook.. I want you to watch this.. I want you to witness how your beloved boyfriend lose his life..
Jungkook: Please.. V.. I'll do everything you want.. don't do this.. 
Jin: Unghh.. Jung.. Kook..
Jungkook: Jin.. *cries*
Jin: Go.. and run.. if you can.. please.. *coughs with blood
Jungkook: No! I won't leave you..
V: Oh! How sweet! Is that your last words? Won't you say I love you to your boyfriend?
V: The good boy is now saying bad words now huh? I'm afraid.. 

V hits Jungkook in the body.. 

Jungkook: Ahhhhh... *screams in pain*
V: Take that! You said you want to kill me but you can't even stand there.. *hits Jungkook on the leg again*
Jungkook: AHHHHH!!! FUCK!!! IT HURTS!!!! MY LEG!!!
Jin: Please.. stop.. V..
V: Okay then, let's finish this.. say goodbye Jin!

When V is about to smash Jin's head. The school guard saw them and blow his whistle. V quickly ran off the school. The school guard helped Jin. He carries him to the clinic while Jimin is the one carrying Jungkook. 

While Jungkook and Jin is currently on the clinic, Jimin told everything that happened to the school president. The school president quickly expelled V in the school and he can't enter the school anymore. He was also charged with attempted murder. The school president also told the guards to tighten their security. As for now, V is nowhere to be found. The police are searching for him.


[School Clinic - Jungkook and Jin's side]

Jungkook: Is he okay?
Nurse: Yes.. he's okay. He just got some bruises on his back. But the impact of smash on his back made him unconscious.
Jungkook: When will he woke up?
Nurse: Maybe after 6-8 hours..
Jungkook: Okay.. please do all the best you for him, I'm begging you..
Nurse: I will, don't worry. Now let me check your leg..
Jungkook: It's not badly hurt. I think i can walk again after an hour..
Nurse: You sure you're okay? I think you have a broken leg..
Jungkook: Don't worry, I can take care of this.., just take care of Jin.
Nurse: Okay, but let me just treat the wound and bruises on your leg okay?
Jungkook: Alright..

Jimin went to the clinic where Jin and Jungkook is.

Jimin: Hey Jungkook.. I'm sorry if i can't do anything to stop V
Jungkook: Don't say sorry, It's not your fault..
Jimin: But as his boyfriend, it's my responsibility to stop him.
Jungkook: He's not the V you used to know now. He's a different person. He won't listen to you no matter what you say.
Jimin: I will still try.. I know he really loves me.. and he might listen to me..  I want to do something for the better.. I will stop him no matter what..
Jungkook: I hope there's still a chance.. and I hope it's not too late.. he almost killed us. And he won't hesitate to do it again.
Jimin: Just trust me okay.. at least for once..
Jungkook: Okay

Jimin left the clinic and returned to his room. Remembering their past since they were in high school. How they love and treasure each other so much. Jimin pulled a box under his bed. He opened the box and started to cry. Inside the box is V's first ever gift to him. A lion-stuffed toy with a printed name on it. "V-Min"

CHAPTER 22.5 - Jimin x V (Special Chapter)
(I decided to add a special chapter for Jimin and V to extend the story a little bit. I hope it's fine)

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